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and whats wrong with my kitten? Simi is a wonderful companion when you cant find a decent man lol. At least she doesnt care how I look lol. She just wants my blueberry muffin and cheeseburgers!
Hey you two, would you get a room already? :rofl3:

CT also has a scubaboard chick :)

Yeah CT and Kbeck, post your pics!
The sign on the door says "Singles"
You guys no longer qualify :)
ha ha

As far as the IRS is concerned, I'm still "Single" :wink:
Dive whenever possible and come hang out at the events. Some of us are taken, some aren't but together we make a fun group. Well except for Bulla and Andy :winky:
I have to say I'm single as well. To find someone up to my speed is very hard. I have just said: it will happen when it happens. This is a fun group and if I meet someone that likes to do the same thing I do thats an Bonus. If I dont I will enjoy the company of my friends and dive. You guys are awesome and thanks for being my friend and dive buddies. ~~~Babe~~~

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