single divers

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Wreck Wench once bubbled...
What were the reasons for not allowing a single's forum?

Let's try an alternate question. What benefits do you get having your own forum vs. having singles based discussions in forums more akin to the general topic [aside of it being singles based]?
Maybe someone will read my post before it's arbitrarily pulled.

At shortly after 3 pm (that on board clock is about an hour slow) EST, Pug decided we no longer needed to discuss this issue and closed the thread. Who made him God?

Objecting to the arbitrary nature of the action, I opened a new thread to discuss it. Pug was apparently offended by my post (judging from the PM's I received), but says he was not the person who pulled my thread. So far, no one has admitted to the deed, but my thread is missing, none the less. Since Pug quoted it in a PM, I know he has access to it in the back room, so someone pulled it. Pug claims it was a private communication, it was not private, it was a public discussion of his public action.

Just before 4 pm EST, NetDoc reopened the thread long enough to post yet another misleading and inflamatory post, then promptly closed it so we couldn't respond.

That is not how a free and open discussion works.

I can see we are not welcome, we frighten you. The singles posts will continue, but they will be spread all over the board and because of that we will not be able to as effectively self police for inappropriate comments.

There are none so blind as he who will not see.

By your actions, you've accomplished nothing except to alienate people, make your jobs more difficult and make the community more fragmented. I hope you feel nice and safe in your delusions.
Please answer this...

As a female I feel there are unique circumstances that impact me as a diver and yes I'd like to discuss those issues with OTHER FEMALE divers. Therefore I think it is appropriate to have a women's forum. Why did you approve a women's forum if not for this subset of the diving population to have a separate place to discuss issues important to them?

As a single diver I feel there are unique circumstances that impact me as a diver and yes I'd like to discuss those issues with OTHER SINGLE divers. Therefore I think it is appropriate to have a single's forum.

How is this any different? The latter is more inclusive of people then the former and yet women have thier own forum?

The comment was made that the board hasn't allowed a "Married Diver Forum" and therefore shouldn't allow a singles forum. I've searched and can't find a single request for a "married divers forum". I guess that is why you can find a hundred SINGLE DATING sites...but not ONE MARRIED COUPLES internet site. The answer is that there is not enough interest nor uniqueness to warrant it.

In the old days single females were so rare that they were called 'old maids' they are so common they are called "mom, sister, friend, co-worker, boss, neice, daughter, neighbor and friend!" There is a huge demand for better ways for singles to meet and connect in the diving world and yes our diving family. What is wrong with that? Isn't that part of what Scubaboard is supposed to be?

The comment was made that this is a family forum and allowing singles to have their own forum or NDI club would somehow compromise the family atmosphere of this board. Hasn't anyone checked that many of the singles in this WORLD as well as on this board have children!!! In fact more probably have children then do not. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD A PARENT...regardless of marital status.....DO ANYTHING TO COMPROMISE A FAMILY ATMOSPHERE?????

I'd like to know how many of the mods who voted on this forum are married and how many are single? Being married should not remove you from the needs of being single....just as being a male should not remove you from the needs of being a female or vice versa. Why should this be any different?

And say that there is no need, no reason, no demand, no desire, nor any value in having a singles forum is in fact saying we aren't welcome in this "Scubaboard Family". Maybe therein lies the implies parents and the institution of marriage....I guess you are saying by being a family that singles are in fact excluded! All we asked for was a simple forum or NDI club and we volunteered to man more thread police for self police....basically do whatever it took to make it work. And your answer don't belong on a family oriented, wholesome, scubadiving ONLY related board.
Spectre once bubbled...

Let's try an alternate question. What benefits do you get having your own forum vs. having singles based discussions in forums more akin to the general topic [aside of it being singles based]?

Spectre, I'd be happy to respond to your question.

1. We'd have a "single" place to have all our assorted and asundary threads so they don't clutter up the entire board. (Technically we've been relegated to NDR.....but if we truly are part of the ENTIRE community we should be free to post our 'single' threads in the Mexico forum if we are going to Mexico...the group trips forum if we are having a singles one of the NDI forums if we want to meet other singles in that area....etc.)

2. By having a 'single' place as Walter suggested it does truly make your jobs easier to monitor and moderate this obviously quite scandalous in not infamous forum.

3. By having a 'single' place to discuss those issues unique to 'single people' we don't offend those married people on the board because our threads and posts keep popping up everywhere! Haven't you noticed that we get lots of people telling us on the singles theads we try to post?

4. By having a 'single' place to discuss those unique issues that face us as well as 'meet and greet' you are saying that our issues are as important as women's issues or DIR under scuba equipment or Scuba Humor (which could easily just be under NDR) etc. etc. Why do they warrant a SEPARATE forum yet we don't?

5. By having a separate place to allow singles to hang out you are acknowledging what the rest of the world has figured are here by the droves and the rest of the world is giving them a community to connect with...why isn't scubaboard?

6. You could charge us money to be part of your 'single's forum' and then solve Scubaboard's money problems. Afterall all the other single sites in the world do the same! Why shouldn't you????

Now spectre...would you mind answering my question as to why we were turned down? Thank you, ww
Maybe Scuba Board will be better off if I spend more time elsewhere, where a Singles Forum is welcome.

Anybody got an idea....?

Wreck Wench once bubbled...
As a female I feel there are unique circumstances that impact me as a diver and yes I'd like to discuss those issues with OTHER FEMALE divers. Therefore I think it is appropriate to have a women's forum. Why did you approve a women's forum if not for this subset of the diving population to have a separate place to discuss issues important to them?

Ok. Let me ask a few more questions then.

Women do have unique issues that effect them as a diver. What unique diving related issues effect singles, that _do not_ affect divers that are in relationships with non divers? Are there enough of those issues that warrent a whole forum to discuss these issues? There may be some, but I can't recall any diving related thread that was solely a single diver issue, and didn't apply to divers that have no regular dive buddy or a significant other that dives.

Second question. What does having the single divers off in their own forum discussing diving related topics do to help the sense of community that we strive for on scubaboard? By separating themselves from the others, does this help or hinder the community atmosphere?

Don't play devil's advocate, you told me you were one of the most active proponents of the idea. If that's true, you already know the reasons for a singles forum.
Walter once bubbled...
Don't play devil's advocate, you told me you were one of the most active proponents of the idea. If that's true, you already know the reasons for a singles forum.

Does that mean I can't accept and live with the decision? No, it doesn't. Does that mean I'm not qualified to discuss the decision of the moderators? No it doesn't. However your feeling the need to reveal my vote to debate the points I make only tells me you aren't interested in actually hearing the decision. You want to have someone that you _know_ was against the idea so you can twist it into an arguement.
GotAir once bubbled...
You could go to I'm there and it is a place for just scuba diver's. But I really like my SB family better.


There's plenty of Meet Market sites set up for Singles. Not what I want;

I want someplace to talk about being a single traveler, single diver on a boat, single at dinner afterwards;

And it's not the same as being a married person traveling alone.


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