Maybe someone will read my post before it's arbitrarily pulled.
At shortly after 3 pm (that on board clock is about an hour slow) EST, Pug decided we no longer needed to discuss this issue and closed the thread. Who made him God?
Objecting to the arbitrary nature of the action, I opened a new thread to discuss it. Pug was apparently offended by my post (judging from the PM's I received), but says he was not the person who pulled my thread. So far, no one has admitted to the deed, but my thread is missing, none the less. Since Pug quoted it in a PM, I know he has access to it in the back room, so someone pulled it. Pug claims it was a private communication, it was not private, it was a public discussion of his public action.
Just before 4 pm EST, NetDoc reopened the thread long enough to post yet another misleading and inflamatory post, then promptly closed it so we couldn't respond.
That is not how a free and open discussion works.
I can see we are not welcome, we frighten you. The singles posts will continue, but they will be spread all over the board and because of that we will not be able to as effectively self police for inappropriate comments.
There are none so blind as he who will not see.
By your actions, you've accomplished nothing except to alienate people, make your jobs more difficult and make the community more fragmented. I hope you feel nice and safe in your delusions.