single divers

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chrpai once bubbled...
First I'd like to say I wish there was a DIR forum so they would all leave the rest of us alone.

Second, what harm could creating another forum really do? I think this one is being over anaylized by people who think they are more important then they really are.

Thanks Chris. To take Brian's lead... If you don't like it here, go start your own with all the forums you want, including your DIR forum, or in fact disallow DIR discussions all together, and you can be as important over there as you would like.
"Don't sweat the small stuff"
to which he added the caveat...
"It's all small stuff"

In his anger and frustration I hope he doesn't lose sight of his sage advice.

When I made my last post I had no idea the thread had been closed. If I had, I would have not posted it. As I was already late for a meeting when it went up, I did not have the time to change it. I sincerely apologise for any ill will that it may have generated, but its all water under the bridge now.

While hurt feelings are often the case when things just don't go our way they should never be allowed to grow into bitterness. There are far bigger issues to tackle and wrongs to right than any perceived slights as a result of a decision by the moderators. The subsequent acrimony and hate just aren't worth it. There is no need to threaten us with making our job harder, nor do we need to belabor a final decision.

Villifying the moderators is pointless. We are far from perfect, but we do our level best. No, Scubaboard is not a democracy and it's not a republic either. It is a privately owned board that has been entrusted to the moderators to govern. Personally, I think the thankless job that these volunteers do is outstanding. That the board has grown to such proportions is testimony to how well they do their jobs. Walter was a part of that group for a while and can attest that we get pretty passionate about the direction the board should take on any particular issue. However, after all is said and done, its still majority rule and it has been for some time.

Still, as a good friend of mine keeps reminding me of... "It's time to get wet".
Spectre once bubbled...

The NDI club request was turned down specifically because the NDI clubs are geographically based, and are attempted to be of a geographic size that it is reasonable for participation in the club to meet conveniently for dives, and other social gatherings.

I've looked for the rules governing NDI's and can't find them. Would you mind posting them? Thank you, ww
The rules aren't posted anywhere.

I requested a copy of the rules governing the creation of NDI clubs. What I received was:

"No published rules... but we look for at least 10 users who want to start a group in an previously unserved area. Then you just need to send me real names and contact numbers."

I didn't want to run afoul of the rules, so I asked for clarafication:

"That's it?

Names and phone numbers of 10 people in a previously unserved area who are willing to be NDI members. No e-mail addresses or anything else?"

The response was:

"We have their e-mails on file in the admin console. But you can have them list them for your own purposes. Where are you thinking of starting one? Postal Divers???"

Never was a geographic requirement stated until after I submitted an NDI Singles Club application with over double the required charter members.

They changed the rules when they received an application they didn't like.
I am amazed at the ungratitude of some people.
The moderators, of which my g/f is one, spend their own time (which is considerate at times) making sure that the board is a safe place for ALL people to read and debate. The board is a safe place, and the decision continues to make it so.

Walter, you should know how much time is spent moderating/regulating or what ever you call it, and therefore are in the exalted position of knowing what goes on behind closed doors. One would therefore assume you are a little more on the understanding side of the decision-making process.

As a decision has been made, everyone has two choices. Either live with the choice, or dont. If you dont want to live with it, then get off the board or subject. You are wasting people's time and effort in replying to a subject that is in effect closed where time could be better spent mod/reg other unpalatable posts.
Belushi once bubbled...
As a decision has been made, everyone has two choices. Either live with the choice, or dont. If you dont want to live with it, then get off the board or subject. You are wasting people's time and effort in replying to a subject that is in effect closed where time could be better spent mod/reg other unpalatable posts.

You are right...we have two choices....accept or not accept.

However the cool part is that we also get to debate/discuss/express/post/articulate/write/think/ etc etc how we feel regardless of what the outcome was.

If your candidate for president doesn't win the election...does that mean that you get to leave the country or in essence be quiet and not discuss the outcome? I WISH IT WERE THAT WAY....LOL!!! but not in this country!!! ;)

That is what makes it so great...we have the FREEDOM to agree or disagree. The democratic process is not wasted in ANY venue...not even scubaboard!!! ;)

If you feel that way, why did you bother to respond? If the thread doesn't appeal to you, pass it by. I'll post where, when and about what I feel is appropriate. You can make those same decisions for yourself, but not for me nor for anyone else. If you don't like it, get off the board or subject.

A decision was made. The issue will not die.

Don't even bring up the issue of the board being a safe place, trust me (or ask Abby and trust her), you don't want to go there.

Do you believe I should feel gratitude for someone removing threads because they don't like them? or for someone closing threads to cut off discussion? That is not what being a mod is about. I've never seen Abby do either of those, but I've seen others do them today and, quite honestly, I don't feel gratitude. I feel like we've been the victim of a power hungry petty tyrant.

I do understand what goes on in the back room - very well. There are no saints on this board, not even in the back room.
Spectre once bubbled...

The NDI club request was turned down specifically because the NDI clubs are geographically based, and are attempted to be of a geographic size that it is reasonable for participation in the club to meet conveniently for dives, and other social gatherings.

So the rules seem to be in flux....hope they are stable about this....why don't we let the "SINGLES" in any geographic area form separate "SINGLES" groups by geography?

Since the purpose of the group would not be the same as the general group for that area...assuming there was a general group in that area....and if each geographic area could get a group of 10 interested single divers....then by the rules we should be able to have the Single Texas Divers...Single NC Divers....Singles NY Divers etc.

Will you allow us to form our own GEOGRAPHIC SINGLES groups if we form them according to the rules you've published?
what about "in a previously unserved area" or "where" did you not understand? Would the post office be able to identify a "singles" area within the US? But reason and reasonability have taken a back seat to presenting Scubaboard in the worst possible light.

Obviously, since you live in an area already served by such a club, I was perplexed with just "where" you might want one... and as is my usual method, I mixed in my brand of droll humor to elicit the whereabouts of this proposed club. I heard nothing more until you presented me with 21 names and demanded that I give you the club. You didn't bother with asking ahead of time and see if it would fly. You set about demanding that it be created, and have re-defined it as a referendum on whether we want singles or not.

I do not pretend to understand your agenda in all of this. I do not pretend to understand your sudden disgust or hatred with the management of Scubaboard, but it appears that you are using this forum to attack it. I do not pretend to fully comprehend the anger you must be experiencing, but I can see it's manisfestations and they are not endearing. Your attempt to force the issue has backfired, and yet you keep at it. There is something deeper here then you are letting on, and I only wish I knew what it was.

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