single divers

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NetDoc once bubbled...
A DIR forum/club has been brought up before... one could argue that they are even more distinct than singles. Yet they must also navigate the waters of our fair board with no port to call home. The clubs were concieved and designed to serve geographic areas. They do that exceedingly well. We feel that the "thing" that sets all of us apart from the rest of the world is that we are divers... the rest is just details. It doesn't matter what our ethnicity, religion, political stance or marital status, we are first and foremost a community of divers.

As for the welcome mat... we already we see many threads with "Singles Only" in the title which makes us married folk feel a bit unwanted. Sure, there are issues out there for singles to work out... but remember ALL of us were single at least once in our lives. Some more often or longer than others.

Then why is there a forum for just women?
Spectre once bubbled...

Because females have issues unique to being female.

Don't singles have issues unique to singles?
chrpai once bubbled...
Don't singles have issues unique to singles?

Well Chris, that's an interesting question.

Forgive me for the duplicate post, but perhaps I should ask again:

Women do have unique issues that effect them as a diver. What unique diving related issues effect singles, that _do not_ affect divers that are in relationships with non divers? Are there enough of those issues that warrent a whole forum to discuss these issues? There may be some, but I can't recall any diving related thread that was solely a single diver issue, and didn't apply to divers that have no regular dive buddy or a significant other that dives.

Second question. What does having the single divers off in their own forum discussing diving related topics do to help the sense of community that we strive for on scubaboard? By separating themselves from the others, does this help or hinder the community atmosphere?
I'd like to explain why I think that whole line of thought is over analyizing.

I know I do, and I've heard others do, so I'm assuming most users just hit the "view new posts" button when they logon and hit the "mark as read" when they logoff.

When the new posts are retrived they are sorted by order of last reply. All forums come together into one big view.

To me the only thing creating a new forum does is:

1) give a name to an area so that people dont post off topic
2) allow single divers to subscribe to that area via email
3) make searching and browsing of specific topics easier since you can narrow the scope of your search to that area.

I think all these questions of inclusion and exclusion are just over anaylized.
NetDoc once bubbled...

As for the welcome mat... we already we see many threads with "Singles Only" in the title which makes us married folk feel a bit unwanted. Sure, there are issues out there for singles to work out... but remember ALL of us were single at least once in our lives. Some more often or longer than others.

Are you implying that married people feel left out because singles are discussing amongst other to NOT remain single?

Geez I thought you were part of an institution that most people wanted to belong to eventually whether looking or not looking?

(No I'm not implying all singles want to get married but that is certainly the general consensus for a good number of them.)
hnladue once bubbled...
I am disappointed that the singles forum was rejected. Now I feel like I'm not wanted!!! Why??? Because I don't have a family.

One of my biggest fears of diving is who will be my buddy??? I'm afraid to go on a trip.....who will dive with me?....I'm afraid to go diving out of the country.....I would like to have a buddy who I know!!!

If you haven't already, you're welcome to pop down into the Wreck Valley forum to hang out. We did group dives for the last three months of the season together, and many friendships were made.

We're also planning a get together at the NY Aquarium on Dec. 28th. You're welcome to meet up with us. We have a pretty good group, guys and gals, single and not single. When things warm up you'll have no shortage of dive buddies!!!

Consider yourself invited!!!

Wreck Wench once bubbled...

5. So what is the value of sympathetic mods...what are they sympathetic too? Perhaps they are sympathetic to the fact that we can't understand the word "NO" or perhaps they are sympathetic to the notion that our culture is based upon questioning the word "NO" or perhaps they are sympathetic to the fact that we are single and not happily married like most of the mods appear to be? Just wondering....

I think I know more divers who have a SO or spouse who doesn't dive than any other group. They are all single when it comes to diving. What does marital status have to do with it?

Board members stated their case and still are. It was talked about at length and decided against. Those who were for simply failed to convince those who were against.

As far as I'm concerned those who wish too are welcome to continue the discussion and to continue to question the decission. Since it was a group decission, I'm not certain any one person cand give any single answer though.
MikeFerrara once bubbled...

I think I know more divers who have a SO or spouse who doesn't dive than any other group. They are all single when it comes to diving. What does marital status have to do with it?

Board members stated their case and still are. It was talked about at length and decided against. Those who were for simply failed to convince those who were against.

As far as I'm concerned those who wish too are welcome to continue the discussion and to continue to question the decission. Since it was a group decission, I'm not certain any one person cand give any single answer though.

Just so I can make sure I understand this....there doesn't need to be a reason, since each person can vote without providing a why?

So, there is no reason why something's approved or not?

Wreck Wench once bubbled...

Are you implying that married people feel left out because singles are discussing amongst other to NOT remain single?

Geez I thought you were part of an institution that most people wanted to belong to eventually whether looking or not looking?

(No I'm not implying all singles want to get married but that is certainly the general consensus for a good number of them.)

that you wish for this board to help divers get married?

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