Big-t-2538 once bubbled...
I hate to duplicate posts...but
It's 5 O'clock Somewhere go and ejoy that for a little while...
take a short rest....I think many of you will calm down after that...
me...I'm on constant edge today and will be for a little while...
Now seem to be the only one getting upset...the rest of us are just know that thing that makes our way of life so important to us....HOWEVER I know your secret reason for being edgy....
And I'm gonna tell....
Yes I am......
Are you all ready?????? :appls:
Here goes......
Ok so even I'm dying with the suspense.....or is that the typing....

Big-T is waiting to get "THE" phone call saying that his lovely wife is having a baby boy!!!!! :baby:
Now please start a new thread to congratulate him!! :appls: