single divers

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This board is about diving. Whether or not a singles forum is added or not people are welcome here regardless of marital status. If at any time someone feels that they don't belong here they are free to leave.

It is a shame if something as little as if a forum is added or not is enough to garner those feelings. But there is no obligation to remain here if you feel unwelcome.

I've been a moderator and administrator on a couple forums before. (having nothing to do with scuba) I know what goes into the descision making process, and whatever the outcome of the "Singles Forum" descision, I support it.


I've never played such a card. When the board management took action I found morally bankrupt, I thought about it for a week. I then decided my conscience wouldn't allow me to remain part of the management of the board and resigned. I never played the game of which I am unjustly accused. I have never tried to get the action reversed. When the issue has come up privately, I've responded that the decision should stand. Prior to the decision, I argued strongly, logically and emotionally in favor of the just and moral stand. I never threatened to resign if the decision whent against me. I'm not playing the game now. I have no intention of leaving, although if the vote rejects the singles forum, I will take it that the mods wish I (not me personally, but singles as a group) would leave. I'm not one to roll over and play dead, but I will know I'm not welcome.

"the moderators who are debating this now have the best interests of at heart."

They may feel the best interests of Scubaboard don't include single divers.

"We have invested time, money and effort into building the finest board on the internet"

So do I. I've been around since shortly after the begining, I've contributed to the server fees, I've posted to help others, I've contributed to gatherings of members, I've defended the board from attacks, I've defended members from attacks. I've put in my time editing posts and defending members rights to speak their minds. Other singles have contributed greatly to the health of this board. I resent the implication that only the current mods have made significant contributions.

This board is not about diving. It's about a community of divers and bringing them together. If it were only about diving, it would have a much smaller membership.
since we haven't approved a "Married Scuba" forum we obviously don't want them either... right? All you married and single divers need to leave cuz we obviously don't want any of you! Hmnnnnnn, there seems to be a flaw in your reasoning Walter.

So with no ethnically based forums are we asking all of the minorities to leave? I don't think so.

Does the lack of any religious (or even anti-religious) forums mean we don't want them either? Lets hope not! Somehow it seems that not having a forum is not an automatic invitation to leave. It's not even a subtle desire for you to find somewhere else to go.

You are drawing a line in the sand that does not need to be drawn. I can only fathom that your motive is to force the issue. That is not nice and even worse it is counter productive. You are assigning motives and feelings to us that are simply not there. In fact, ALL singles (including Walter) are as welcome as they were before the issue of a single's forum came up. Nothing has changed except the way some people want to define the issues.

People will still be using the regionally based club forums to meet whether there is a single's forum or not, and people will still find their special mate with or without it's existence.

FWIW, I will not be on line at 5:00pm to see the final vote as I have a previous engagement. While it is close, it does not appear that the forum will be approved. If the final outcome changes I will post that here as well, and probably move it to the new forum.

... the decision has been made not to host a singles forum or club at this time.

Walter is correct in his assessment that Scuba Board is about community... actually we have many communities within the greater community that is Scuba Board.

There is at present a singles community on Scuba Board already though without a specific forum just as there are other communities (such as DIR) without their own forums.

This decision was in no way a referendum on the value we place on singles in our greater community nor should it be construed as such by anyone.
Uncle Pug once bubbled...
... the decision has been made not to host a singles forum or club at this time.

Walter is correct in his assessment that Scuba Board is about community... actually we have many communities within the greater community that is Scuba Board.

There is at present a singles community on Scuba Board already though without a specific forum just as there are other communities (such as DIR) without their own forums.

This decision was in no way a referendum on the value we place on singles in our greater community nor should it be construed as such by anyone.

What were the reasons for not allowing a single's forum?

Certainly it had to be more then "There is at present a singles community on Scuba Board already though without a specific forum just as there are other communities (such as DIR) without their own forums."

If that were the case then why would you have a women's forum or any other separate forum for that matter?

Also if we are truly welcome on the board...why is it that everytime we post a thread under NDI and label it "Singles" that we get naysayers who happen to usually be married telling us we don't need this or we don't need that?

Where is the love?????

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