My simple pleasures
Hearing my sons laughter -- OMG you should have heard him and SJ watching Spike TV the other night. It was so cute to hear them cackle out loud simultaneously.
Floating afterwards in my special spot. Im not allowed to elaborate here but I am sure that many of you will understand. Theres something about being held and experiencing the sensation of a nonalcoholic intoxication that one feels when floating together.
Ill never forget the chocolate jello pudding food fight my father and I had when I was 15. Remember that scene from Blue Lagoon with the mud? Well it was sorta like that only it tasted better. God rest his soul.
Riding bikes a few weeks ago we took off around 10:30 PM on our bikes just before the storm. You could feel the moisture in the warm night air, the wind blowing firmly on our faces. It was so exciting seeing the lightening flash in the night sky filled with shades of gray. Then the race home as the first drops fell and making it inside just before the drenching down pour. (Smile)
Watching my son or SJ sleep. There is something about the peacefulness in ones sleep that makes me want to tell them I love you.
Seeing the sparkling look in my sons eye when hes trying to trick me into eating something sour; or when hes pulling a prank.
Watching SJs hands. I love to gaze at his hands at work. So strong and masculine, yet gingerly careful all at the same time.
Sitting on the tailgate at night looking up at the peaceful stars and discussing the days events or those to come. (Oh yeah and catching that occasional shooting start. The other night the sky was clear and stars were scattered across the sky like glitter on a piece of construction paper when a star blazed across the sky with a tail streaming from it like a smear or iridescent paint on that same piece of construction paper.
Sitting in the backyard with the smell of fresh cut grass and the BBQ grill cooking dinner.
Sitting down with a cold glass of milk and a steaming hot cookie fresh from the oven.
Frosting Sugar Cookie cutouts with my son on the holidays and laughing at the mess or flour, in our hair, on our faces, handprints on our clothes and footprints on the floor.
The feeling that engulfs you when you ascend to 80 feet and you begin to catch sight of the bough of that awesome wreck nestled in the white sandy bottom of the ocean littered with starfish and shells and coral that beckons colors of yellow, orange, and red. Coral that houses the lobsters, eels and tiny fish that peek out only to rush back into the safety of its home. That wreck that is blanketed with angel fish and spade fish that dart around as you approach only to part rapidly when that Cuda glides in for a closer look.
Listening to all the chatter of the divers sharing their dives with one another on the return ride to the dock.
The feeling of the beginning of the seasons as the take their turn. Decorating for those seasons.
Fall with the colorful leaves and gordes, pumpkins and faudershocks, crab boils and oyster roasts, fried turkeys, hey rides and football games.
Winter with its crisp air that leaves its trace in the form of a puff of smoke from your mouth or rosey red chest and nose.
Spring with the new warmth of the sun, cleansing showers, fresh growth on the plants and all the baby animals the seam to amazingly appear as mother nature gives birth to a new year.
Summer with its steamy hot days that warm the waters we dive in, fresh fruit and vegetables, the celebration and fireworks, lightening bugs in jars on a steamy night, and sitting on the porch at night listening to baseball games on the radio with my grandfather.
Give someone a gift just because and receiving one for the same reason.
Sitting with my son in his fort and eating Popsicles.
Picking my son up early from school and playing hookie together.
Taking a walk and a talk.
Seeing my dogs smiling face. Watching my cat play with his toys.
My son giving me hugs. Better yet when he asks, can I get a hug.
Telling my son the story of his birth every year on his birthday when he asks me to.
The enjoyment of just laying around doing nothing or playing games, or building a campfire or cooking over a Coleman stove while camping. It feels like all troubles are left at home. Enjoy a good book, the beach, your family, and worry about NOTHING when camping. Roasting marshmallows.
That unsolicited slow dance.
My mask filling with water during an underwater serenade.
That soak in the Jacuzzi after a long cold drift dive; glass of wine perched on the corner of the tub and a fresh baked chess crisp perfectly seasoned and chased with chocolate.