Simple Pleasures

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Walks on the beach at sunset with someone you truely care about.

Reading a good book on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Waking up and realizing that you have no place that you have to be.

The smell of fresh crisp air right after it rains.

The leaves turning in the fall.

A warm bath with soft music and candlelight.

Those first couple of minutes of diving, when you still have the whole dive ahead of you.

Talking to my sister and actullay getting along once in a blue moon,

Spending a day with my mom (shes my best friend, and we don't get to spend nearly enough time together!)

Realizing that there still are simple pleasures in life.....
Diving and seeing all the beautiful underwater creatures
Diving with my boyfriend
Waking up each day to find my parents are still well and around
Passing my exams with good grades
Being complimented by boss for a job well done
Being thanked by clients for a job well done
Being able to go on holidays and diving
Being able to spend time with my boyfriend
Being pampered :eyebrow:
Oh yeah....

Waking up on a cool crisp morning to the 1st snow. I live in the woods, and I have no curtains. I can look out the window and see the snowy trees 1st thing...

Guess you guys in the warmer climates have to miss this one...
Watching other people live frenetic unreflective lives as time passes them by
*sigh* This is what I need to hear. Keep reminding me, will you?

-Waking up at 6 am, and then realizing I can stay in bed as long as I want; it's Saturday.
-Watching my cat sleep cutely with his head on Joe's pillow in the mornings.
-Watching Joe sleep in the mornings.
-Smelling brewing coffee as I wake up
-Weekends at my sister's beach house in CT with a great book, some good wine, and fresh-caught lobster
-That *snap* sound of my skis snapping into their bindings. :dance:
-The silence of the ski lift on the first run of the day
-Doing backward rolls off the side of the boat (I don't know why I love that so much, perhaps it's just sort of Sea Hunt-esque to me).
A humongous, work-stopping snowstorm.
-Spotting a tiny squid on a night dive
-Safety stops. I love these. Breathe in, rise, breathe out, fall. I could hang there all day.
-A beer with friends
Okay girls, and guys, enough with the mushy postings about you and your SOs. You're starting to make me jealous.

A few of my simple pleasures are:

Relaxing on the beach reading a good book

Pampering myself with a pedicure

Taking a nap during a thunderstorm

That feeling you get after you've had a great dive and you're so looking forward to doing it again

Taking walks in the country when you can't hear anything but the birds singing - heaven.
Sorry I have to continue

Tickle parties with my kids.

Sitting on the couch holding hands or with OD's arms around me.

Driving to a dive sight and not saying anything but holding hands.

Watching my partner sleep.
Doncha think when you "turn off" all your senses but one, that's where most of these come in. Think about it.... Most are based on touch, or sound, or a smell, or a visual. NOT really a combination. Seems like we overload our senses.

There I go, thinking to much and overanalyzing.......
i like that idea a lot, actually!

all the things i mentioned make me "slow down" and "be" in the moment!

i think you're on to something here

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