Simple Pleasures

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These are so good!

I must borrow some ideas..

From sharkdiver00-- I would say talking to my son from college on the phone, and being ready to hang up, but he still wants to talk! Love that!

From CathyI--Also when my husband makes one of his many special dinners for the whole family.

Like so many said..Music..bringing out the old stuff..Cat Stevens, the Beatles.. The Moody Blues.. Pink Floyd's Dark side of the Moon.

And like most of you..those first few minutes of pure freedom when you enter the water and have a reg in your mouth and a tank or two on your back!

Some of my own ideas also include:

Making love
A walk along the beach at night
Eating anything with coconut in it!
Seeing someone with a dive flag sticker on their vehicle

Them waving back and smiling when the see mine

Going to my "wish list" and hitting the "add to cart" button

Receiving the e-mail my order was accepted

Seeing that the order has been shipped, and tracking it across the country

Coming home from work finding the box UPS left

Opening the box to check my new scuba accesories

Trying everything out or on

The look my wife gives if I were still a kid

and non dive related

My wife enjoying a meal I prepared

An early to bed, still aroused by the good meal

The first feeling that autum is here

The first fire in the fireplace

Getting ready for Xmas, lights and a tree

That special kiss as a New Year begins
Smelling the pine-scented mountain air

Listening to a river running or water splashing on the beach

Having my cat in my lap, purring herself to sleep
Again, like all of you have said those precious moments of freedom and peace that only diving can give.

The smell of scuba equip. (Once my science classroom smelled like scuba equipment and everyone knew about it in the school before lunch.

Just being around divers.

Being with my boyfriend. :07:

Listening to our song.

Watching my favorite movie over and over again wondering everytime if they'll end up together or not.

Acing a test.

Playing in the rain while people stare at you and laugh. ;)

Getting mail from friends.

Playing games.

Go 4 wheeling with my cousin.

Buying Christmas presents early.

Making something worth being proud of.
Diving Cayman over a weekend, listening to Elvis and ZZ tops while drinkng a cold Corona ............. having the exwife call and tell me i won't have to send anymore money because she's getting married again (3th time ... i was number 2)
My then 14 year old daughter came to live with me 4 years ago after her mom died in a car wreck. I already knew how important she was to me, but after this I found new pleasures to relish...

Conversations with her, and really being able to relate.
Hearing her laugh and seeing her smile.
Having her friends call me a "cool dad".
Watching her interact with my new wife (I remarried a year ago) and knowing I made a good choice for her as well as myself.
Conversations around the dinner table.
Watching her grow and excel in school, and knowing that God is good, and that I am truly blessed.......
Watching other people live frenetic unreflective lives as time passes them by

Cuddling with a woman I really care about on a Sunday morning

Walking back from the movie along the shore of Avalon Bay with a full moon rising

Waking up and knowing I really don't have to be anywhere if I don't want to be (of course shortly after acknowledging that freedom I turn on the coffee pot and get busy editing UW footage)

Knowing I don't have to make an hour long commute each way through LA traffic and can walk wherever I need to go

Looking up at the many stars in the clear night skies of Catalina and realizing I'm not the only thing in the universe

Knowing I'm the only diver in the Dive Park (usually a winter thing)

Not worrying about whether my car will start since I don't even have one here

Tucked in bed with a great book on a rainy night

Diving... anywhere, anytime, with a buddy whose company I enjoy

And those are just off the top of my head

Getting woken up by my son Wraithe with a "C'mon Mummy Kiss"

Hearing him say G'day for the first time - really cool mate.

Hearing from my partner, Wraithe's Daddy when he is away at sea for months at a time - that first hello just steals my breath away

Seeing Wraithe's Daddy EVERYTIME gives me butterflies we don't spend near enough time together for us to get complacent


Cooking for my family - having everyone over with my partner and my son by myside it is rare and unique

Having my son sleep in the crook of my arm while i read a book on a sunday afternoon once of course all the cleaning is done and ironing too.

Listening to the saved voicemail message of the said partner when i feel low

Snorkelling with my Dad as we teach my son to snorkell

That moment when my son goes to sleep and i can relax, sing dance do as i please until 7 am the following morning - yeehaw.

Going to work and meeting all the crazy tourist that visit Cairns

Having a really hot shower

Enjoying a glass of good wine

Getting a massage

and so many more

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