Is anyone saying that we should be masking in our homes? I certainly don't and I don't know f anyone who does.
ggunn, You selectively quoted a snip from my full post in your response: "They'll wear masks when and where they are legally forced and there is law enforcement to enforce it but once back in their homes" and you chose not to include the remainder of than sentence that said "...and hoods the masks come off, people are socializing and drinking and doing as they please with little concern for COVID from what I've heard."
ggunn, at this point your opinions don't matter as you are obviously self quarantining for the duration until a vaccine makes its way down the food chain to you. You are probably retired and happy and have no desire or need to travel anywhere. So, stay put and happy and hunkered down in your home in Austin, TX. That's your decision and if it makes you feel safe so be it. Myself and others have a different opinion and we chose to take all precautions necessary and keep on living our lives as best we can which includes travel to Coz and elsewhere. Everyone's gonna die sometime for all sorts of reasons and COVID is only one of them. Hide from COVID all ya want but even if you hide from it probability is you'll die from something else in the next 12 months if the bell decides to ring for you.