Should I wear a snorkel or not

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Is that in answer to my post you quoted or just something you wanted to say. Because it definitely didn’t answer the question about the most effective way to surface swim with scuba gear.

I'm sure the most effective way to surface-swim in scuba gear is very relevant to where and how you dive, your gear configuration, and the rest of that. I was only trying to point out that where and how I dive and swim, it isn't. Which in no way, shape, or form, diminishes your argument. It just suggests that its applicability has limitations.
You said “can’t”, I say it’s a non issue.

You really oughta disclose that you’re coming at this from a GUE tech diving perspective. There’s a big difference between diving to Montana using doubles, scooters, and multiple deco bottles compared to diving a single rental al80 out to middle reef at Lobos.
My perspective is not so limited. I also do single tank recreational dives at Point Lobos and in other kelp forest dive sites.
Most of the local dive shops also rent larger steel tanks for only a few dollars more. Those are usually a better option than an Al80 for most divers (depending on weighing and physical size issues).
I will repeat, I don’t dive a snorkel either but the universe will not collapse into a singularity just cause someone uses a snorkel to kelp crawl out beyond doggie so they can maximize bottom time at middle reef.
The kelp in Whaler's Cove is so thick right now that even the single tank divers aren't attempting to crawl over it. If you haven't seen it in person recently then you might not appreciate the issue. Normally divers can kind of pick their way through open areas while swimming on their backs, and occasionally push their way over a few lose strands. But now the kelp is matted together in clumps that are much harder to crawl over. It's much easier to just descend a few feet and breathe off a regulator while swimming under the thickest areas of kelp. Takes minimal gas. When divers run low on gas at a shallow site like Middle Reef it's generally because they struggle with poor buoyancy control or inefficient finning which drives up their respiration rate, not because they used to 200 psi or whatever swimming under the kelp to reach the site.
We should be encouraging and / or mentoring these divers not telling them they’re doing it wrong. (Referencing the masochist , screw up, unnecessary language )
Yes, we should encourage new divers to do things the fun and easy way instead of creating unnecessary problems for themselves. Sometimes that means telling them that they're doing it wrong, or were taught incorrectly. I have always appreciated it when more skilled divers had the courtesy to tell me when I was doing something wrong.
The bottom line is that everybody should use what they're comfortable with. I took my first Scuba course in the late sixties and I was trained to use a snorkel. I've carried one ever since. It's no big deal. Slip it in a pocket or in your knife straps and then just slip it under your mask strap if you need it.

I'm an old guy. I've seen some things go so incredibly bad, that afterwards you just have to wonder how you survived that. I had a dive partner who was severely over weighted, out of air and only staying afloat because I kept a hold on him. Had he not had a snorkel, I honestly think he may have drowned.

The time my girlfriend and I surfaced in a squall was ok at first because we still had some canned air left. We inflated our horse collar BC's, held hands and laid back, relaxing and enjoying the lighting show while listening for the boat. Then the air ran out. The swells were twenty foot or so and the breakers were rolling over us. Staying on our backs would have drowned us so we mostly deflated our BC's and sort of hovered at the surface in an upright position breathing on our snorkels. There was no such thing as a dry snorkel back then so we did a lot of purging but we were able to breath. I am pretty sure that without my snorkel, I would have drowned that day.

But hey! I'm old fashioned. I still use a horse collar BC! I'll carry a snorkel with me but you don't have to. Just don't ask to borrow mine!
I'm sure the most effective way to surface-swim in scuba gear is very relevant to where and how you dive, your gear configuration, and the rest of that. I was only trying to point out that where and how I dive and swim, it isn't. Which in no way, shape, or form, diminishes your argument. It just suggests that its applicability has limitations.
There’s no downside to learning to use and carrying a snorkel. The opposition to the use of a snorkel is coming from misguided stubbornness. Telling new divers not to use a snorkel is possible the worst piece of advice I’ve read on Scubaboard. The new folding snorkel is so easy to carry and a godsend in a pinch.


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It might help for moving true kelp but it’s very annoying if you hit stuff with it in caves.

For some stuff it might be useful for other it’s useless, like so many things it’s a personal choice you make according to your dive plan.

Just spending a lil more and buy a rebreather instead of a snorkel will fix this issue. 😅
A lot of chat on this one of course! I too carried a snorkel when I was a newbie diver for all the scenarios previously mentioned. As I became more experienced I ditched conventIonal mask strap mount for a pocket type. I found that the strap mount was a nuisance especially with currents etc. Again it really depends on your comfort level, type of diving you’re doing (boat versus shore) etc. I like to follow the Boy Scouts mantra of Be Prepared.
I've used one on every dive since the late 60's and will continue to do so. I did a few cave dives in my younger years and it did bother me a little because it bumped into stuff. I took it off of my head and stuck it in my knife straps.

The times you will need one, you will really need one! It's better to have and not need than to need and not have. Stick it in your knife straps or a pocket or someplace out of the way. Then just slip it thru your mask strap when you do need it.
37 pages (and still going) arguing about freaking snorkels... You are unbelievable!!
Hey, back off buster! It's a sign of the wonderful, prosperous, and joyous lives we live. That there's nothing left to argue over except the most insignificant things like a snorkel.
Just like the title says, do I wear one or not? Thanks so much all and HNY
The only time I wear one is a roll-up if I’m riding a DPV. That’s not too often.

Typically I just surface swim on my back and hold my breath when I feel a wave.

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