Question Should I replace my SPG with my new Shearwater Transmitter?

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You could consider using an HP Splitter to support both transmitter and gauge. You will want to do your own research though. If you're diving in EU for example, you'll have to use the gauge instead of just the transmitter to adhere to their standards.
I'm not talking about MY experience; that means nothing.

I'm talking about the possible failure modes and what it means to my diving: (a) If the SPG fails, I might not even know might show the same reading no matter the pressure (ie., be stuck), it might show gas when there is none, etc. (b) If he transmitter fails, I just get no reading on either of my computers. Clear failure, and I abort my dive. It has never happened to me, by the way, in the 12 years I've been using AI, about 1700 dives.
This is actually a great point which I hadn't considered. This is of course assuming you're only carrying one or the other. IMO I don't see carrying BOTH as required for your standard recreational dive.
I'm not talking about MY experience; that means nothing.

I'm talking about the possible failure modes and what it means to my diving: (a) If the SPG fails, I might not even know might show the same reading no matter the pressure (ie., be stuck), it might show gas when there is none, etc. (b) If he transmitter fails, I just get no reading on either of my computers. Clear failure, and I abort my dive. It has never happened to me, by the way, in the 12 years I've been using AI, about 1700 dives.

This is an awesome point, having a clear failure is much better (imo) than having a false positive or possible errors in readings, sounds more dangerous.

Thanks for your help on this!
Hello everyone! First post in the forums btw!

I have my 1st stage which has only one HIGH PRESSURE and I am really hesitant about replacing my SPG totally with the transmitter I got (swift).

What do you think about this? Is it safe? I am absolutely crazy or it is an understandable risk? Thanks!
Very good question. If I was out for just a days dive I wouldn't worry about not having the backup gauge. If the transmitter failed I'd just take my time and end the dive. However; if I'm on a dive trip or doing multiple dives, I'd want to have a backup SPG. You used to be able to get an HP splitter so that you could connect both to a single HP port.
I have my 1st stage which has only one HIGH PRESSURE and I am really hesitant about replacing my SPG totally with the transmitter I got (swift).

What do you think about this? Is it safe? I am absolutely crazy or it is an understandable risk? Thanks!
Since you only have one HP port, I'm assuming you didn't previously dive with two SPGs. No problem at all in replacing the SPG. I've never seen a diver running two SPGs off of a single 1st stage, yet there are some that think it's required with a transmitter.

For what it's worth, my 1st stage has two HP ports. When diving with my own kit, I haven't used an SPG since 2007 or so (hosed AI computer). I've been using a transmitter since 2013. Since that time, I've had exactly zero in water failures of the SPG.

I have used an SPG when using other gear, and I have had a failure in dive with one of those. The failure mode was a stuck needle. Therefore, it was reporting more gas than I actually had. Not a good failure mode. By contrast, a failure on a transmitter should be obvious.
First get a new first stage with two HP ports, screw the transmitter directly to one of the ports and put the SPG in you save a dive kit. Dive, be happy.
Another vote for "put the SPG into your save-a-dive kit" (along with the necessary tools to change it). This way it's ready to go when either you or your buddy (who didn't plan ahead as well as you do) needs it to make the next dive.
Hello everyone! First post in the forums btw!

I have my 1st stage which has only one HIGH PRESSURE and I am really hesitant about replacing my SPG totally with the transmitter I got (swift).

What do you think about this? Is it safe? I am absolutely crazy or it is an understandable risk? Thanks!
In a word...yes.

You don't say what computer you are using, but I would assume it is a Shearwater since you are using the Swift transmitter. If so, not only is it safe to do so, but your computer will give you much more useful information during and after the dive.
My wife got me a Perdix 2 w/ transmitter for our anniversary and I made the switch. Pulled my SPG, put it in the SaD kit, and put the transmitter on a 6" hose. Can't wait to get it in the water.
I have had 2 transmitter failures in 300 dives. I was not big deal as I had my transmitter but also the SPG (although on the first failure I had to abord the dive as it was leaking). I would not have only the transmitter but for me it is not a problem to have the transmitter and the SPG. The transmitter does thing the SPG cannot do.

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