Should I get a 7mm wet suit?

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Go to a dive shop and try on a couple of different brands and find the brand and size that fits and look on e-bay. There are a lot of great suits at great values but no return policy. Just make sure that you know your size by brand because they each brand may fit differently.
No offense, but whether you intended it or not that is one of the most unethical posts I have seen in a while.

Dive shops have to pay for equipment upfront and then stock it in commercial space that they have to pay rent on, keep warm and keep lighted. Plus they are paying the salary of the person helping you try out a wet suit. None of that is free, and the convenience and service you get trying on a wet suit is why you go to an LDS. To go there with the premeditated intent of trying something on to see if it fits and if you like it and then planning to buy it cheaper on line or on-e-bay is theft pure and simple. You are stealing a convenience and service that the LDS has to shell out money to provide.

Feel free to save a few bucks buying on line, but do so honestly - relying on a size chart and whatever on-line assistance the vendor offers and then taking the chance you will have to mess with shipping it back for returns and exchanges, or bestuck e-baying a non-returnable item. But do not for a minute think it is ok to use the LDS to help you decide what you want, then stiff him on the service he provided by buying the same item on-line just to save yourself a few bucks.

To the OP...If you follow the advice Scuba & golf gave you, be advised the LDS is likely to notice when you show up with equipment they showed you and that you quite obviously bought somewhere else. It can quickly become a case where you make your own bed then have to lie in it when you find yourself denied service or being charged a premium for being dishonest with the LDS.

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