If money isn't an issue then definitely buy an analyzer. I bring mine with me on trips just for the reason you're describing... some dive ops, especially outside of the US, do not have analyzers on board and simply deliver a "nitrox" tank for you to use. They really don't understand why you wouldn't blindly trust them (I've found a couple mis-labeled in the past... people make mistakes.)
The analyzer I have is likely the most popular one on the market (the Analox you mentioned above), and I think it runs about $300. The O2 sensor has to be replaced every 2 to 3 years, and the last time I replaced mine it cost $130. So if you analyze 30 tanks a year, the cost of the sensor will be a little less than $1 per tank. If you analyze more, the cost per tank drops. Since you're usually paying $10 to $15 per nitrox tank anyway, the cost of replacing the sensor, at .50 to 1.00 per tank, is a rounding error compared to the cost of the nitrox tank.
As for extra baggage while you travel... it's a handheld device, hardly takes up any room in your bag.
Hope this was a useful opinion!