Shore Diving August 9th

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Hetland, I thik I saw that you may be ona boat and in the area. You going to make it?

I probably won't know until late Friday what the schedule is, but I can guarantee I won't be able to make 10:00. I'm attached to the vampire divers this weekend, so it will be more like 1:00 at the earliest (not that I'm complaining, I'm no morning person either)

Next weekend I'll be in New Orleans, but after that I should be back to diving full time until I run out of money, or the gulf temps get too cold :D
I probably won't know until late Friday what the schedule is, but I can guarantee I won't be able to make 10:00. I'm attached to the vampire divers this weekend, so it will be more like 1:00 at the earliest (not that I'm complaining, I'm no morning person either)

Next weekend I'll be in New Orleans, but after that I should be back to diving full time until I run out of money, or the gulf temps get too cold :D

If we're doing 2 tanks we may still be at Ft. Pickens. Looks like the Gulf may be a bit rough, where you guys heading?
Hey, sorry to say this but my dad and me are going to pass on the jetties. If you were going somewhere else, it would be a different story but the jetties are just hard to dive. When my mom was my age, she used to lifeguard at ft. Pickens and has encountered life-threatening moments with the jetties, even death once. Sorry, I really want to meet local divers but I don't want to sit around on a boat watching the waves. So hope you still have a blast and a great weekend.
Sorry to hear it. For reference there is a big difference between Diving and swimming, I'm assuming your mother was a lifeguard at a swimming beach. People get into trouble all the time at beaches, but you seldom here of a diver being rescued at a beach. But to be cautious is a good thing. Wait until you feel comfortable with the location and conditions before you go and you'll enjoy your self a whole lot more!
If we're not overloading our boats and the weather holds, why don't we just go somewhere else close? MBT told me the viz on the jetties will be bad anyway since it'll be an outgoing tide.

Yes she watched over the swimming area, but it was an actual diver they attempted to rescue but it was too late. So just be careful everyone.
If we're doing 2 tanks we may still be at Ft. Pickens. Looks like the Gulf may be a bit rough, where you guys heading?

If the gulf will take us, I'd like to hit three barges. We may dive it twice if things are good there, or switch to a 2nd spot if needed. If it turns out the Gulf is too rough, our first choice would be Pickens, second perhaps Destin Jetties (as long as I don't have to drive).

I'm still holding out hope that merciful Poseidon will let me get deep this weekend..

I'm still holding out hope that merciful Poseidon will let me get deep this weekend..

Who is Poseidon? Your wife or your boat? :wink:
Hey, sorry to say this but my dad and me are going to pass on the jetties. If you were going somewhere else, it would be a different story but the jetties are just hard to dive.

You are still welcome to join us for the cookout. My son is your age and Halftime has a teenage daughter that should be attending. He would appreciate someone his own age to hangout with. :)

You should also try to make Vortoberfest in October. There is a thread on it in DDD Trips forum. That way, you can still get to know alot of divers in the area and do some spring diving. :)

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