Shore diving 7/22-or-7/23

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Come diving on the Mardi Gras on Sat or on Sunday on the Temptation! But ya'll are making the mad dash to "Dove the Grove" ... Mooo Moooo Mooo - - Have a good trip.
Orlando Eric:
Yeah come on now.. If Krista bought them you know they are DESIGNER Gnomes from West Palm Beach! - - Palm Beach county - - Old money - - The "Dime Store" in West Palm beach carries discounted Flatware for only $2500.00 - - and VL towels for $550.00 each - -

That sounds more like Palm Beach than West Palm. Here in West Palm we're just upgrading from "sporks"...

Off to the marina...
Hey Ron, it was a pleasure diving with you last night. Glad I was there for your first ocean dive. You did really well. Nice way to spend your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday buddy!
Real nice meeting you Ron. Enjoy the rest of the Vaca! Maybe we'll have another chance to get in the water before you leave.
Real nice meeting you Ron. Enjoy the rest of the Vaca! Maybe we'll have another chance to get in the water before you leave.

Baitedstorm, Murphdiver, Orlandoeric, Ronfrank and I had a nice couple of dives this morning.

Vis was nice - water temp was spectacular!

Nice meeting you Ron - hope the rest of your vacation is great! And Baitedstorm, great to see you up and about!
Great diving with you last night, Ron- an honor to share your first ocean dive & on your birthday too! Wish that we'd known- Happy belated birthday! Hope to dive with you again before you leave. Jenny, Renee, Matt- ALWAYS a pleasure diving with you!
Hey guys,

I've had a GREAT time diving with all of you. Thanks for making it fun!

What a great group of folks. I'v'e had nothing but fun since I've been here. Got to say, while the Lauderdale shore diving was VERY unique and we saw a cool amount of life, Jupiter so far is the hands down best. Jewfish....err.. Goliath Groupers, Nurse Sharks, Rays, turtles, and very cool landscape and people!!

I've enjoyed every minute, and every one I've dived with has been awesome.

I'll be doing the Grove tomorrow, and some shallow reefs in Largo the next day.. It's ALL GOOD!! Thanks, Marvel, Renee, Jenny, Matt, Vicky (Hugs), Eric, Driftdiver and anyone else I've failed to mention. It is ALL GOOD!!!

I did not mention my BDay...well would you?
RonFrank- i am glad that you got a mini tour of the South east coast diving. You dove LBTS - WPB and the locals secret Jupiter! I too prefer Jupiter. There are higher ledges more critter and LARGER critters. I do love to play with the bi-color Damsels but seeing a 6' or 8' nurse shark is pretty cool too.

The Temps for West palm Saturday.. a blamy 85. Jupiter today... 76 degrees!! BRR! - - that is cold for a three dive day.

The Coloradians found it nice.. yikes.

Have a good dive on the grove and be careful that is not as easy a dive as it sounds.. Plan your dive.. Dive your plan and be conserative.

Hope to see you again next vacation!

Eric (on behalf of all Florida conchs).
Heya Ron and fellow SB'ers... I had a blast out with everyone! I completely agree with Ron on the Jupiter thing. That is one of my most favorite dive sites in the world. I forgot how much I missed going out with Captain Paul off of the Temptation. Him and his crew are always such a blast to hang out with not only topside, but also down at 80 feet.

You'll have to make sure to hook up with us again Ron when y'all come back down. I know there were other SB'ers on the boat, but for the life of me, I can not remember your screen names (hint hint, gotta post :D )

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