Max of 2 TX is a bit rubbish. 3 preferably 4 would be the minimum.
I definitely don't see why they wouldn't just let you have one transmitter per gas.
BUT, I also don't really think it's that big a deal. It's certainly not a big deal for me. Right now, I'm diving with back gas and, at most, 1 deco cylinder. Next year, I plan to do the TDI Trimix course, so then I'll be using, at most, 2 deco cylinders.
Even in the case of 2 deco cylinders, all I REALLY care about is AI for my back gas. That is the only gas I have to monitor and would possibly cause me to turn a dive before my planned time limit. The deco gases are what they are. I start with them full and breathe them for whatever time is required by the deco plan. Other than checking the button gauge at the start to make sure it shows as approximately full, I wouldn't even look at the deco gas pressure again during a dive. My procedure is to check the button gauge again when I switch to the deco gas, but I certainly don't need AI for that.
So, 2 transmitters, for people doing sidemount, makes sense as being what is NEEDED to be useful. Beyond that, at least until you get to Hypoxic Trimix and using travel gases, I would have to say that more than 2 transmitters might be nice, to record deco gas consumption rates. But, it's totally not needed. You NEED an SPG for your bottom gas. You don't really NEED one for deco gases.