Shearwater coming out with new DC?

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I will restate my "wish".

I am talking about basic computers. There is a well-defined set of options for a generic basic computer. Then there is the algorithm that gets you back to the surface. The overwhelming complaint (at least on this board) is "this or that DC is too conservative and I'm penalized by having to leave the bottom before everybody else".

Then there is how the basic DC is viewed and dived by the average recreational diver. The interface can be easy and intuitive or a confusing beast. Shearwater is exceptional in understanding their market and working with it.

I would love to watch them do the same with the recreational market. The entire exercise would be in picking from all the available "features", putting them into a recreational wrist package, and then wrapping it all up with an intuitive user interface at a recreational price.

Nothing more than that. I would be most interested to see what they come up with should they choose to target the recreational market. I won't go any further with this unless they put me on their payroll and that is most unlikely.

Ah, gotcha'. You want a revolutionary rec computer with super easy UI but still have GF or some other adjustable algorithm, but is nothing like the current SW lineup. I thought you were implying that the Perdix should be sold for $200, and be able to upgrade it to full spec at $800.

A tiny watch sized SW would be great as a backup, they could call it the Hummingbird!


My wish too

All I really want is Buhlmann ZHL-16C with GF, 2 or 3 gases and AI, no trimix, no rebreather
... All I really want is Buhlmann ZHL-16C with GF, 2 or 3 gases and AI, no trimix, no rebreather
Perfectly reasonable.

All that in a nice package with a well thought out user interface. Your own personal selection of “wants and needs” from all the “features” out there would flesh out a DC with its own personality. Quite diveable, I’m sure you would enjoy it.

Same wrist package, I would like a choice among ZHL-16C with GF, RGBM, and VPM-B for my own reasons. Don’t need AI. 3 gases. Still recreational and it goes without saying that I could do 15 min of real deco on any algorithm with absolutely no whining.
Same DC, different configs.

You happy, me happy.

If Shearwater were to enter the recreational market they would have to cross the Rubicon when it comes to AI and deco.

There is a technical bias against AI. Air integration would present an almost unimaginable increase in complexity on the technical side of the river. SW would have to come out with the Grendel if they were to pursue this.

However, AI is an entirely different beast on the recreational side. Why wouldn’t I want to know my SAC/RMV at every point in the dive? I would find that most useful information for dive planning and getting to know myself as a recreational diver. Is that not what we are always harping about? Produce thinking OW divers. The ability to go back to past dives for a quick check of SAC rates at various notable points appears, to me, to be extremely valuable to a new diver. Tired old stuff for the serious tech diver and their jaded feeling seems to color their view of the rec world from whence they all came.

Yes, AI should be a recreational option.

I want a recreational DC that will take me across the line and back. No unlock codes either. The big complaint is that DC’s are too conservative. That means that a fair proportion of divers are diving right up to the NDL. Nobody ever crosses it?

I own a DC that will get me home from deco and then lock me out. I also own a DC that will keep on guessing no matter what the hell I do. It has no problem letting me get back into the water either. It just keeps doing its best to chart a course through the madness. I bought that DC when I was still AOW. Taught me a lot.

I’m still alive and unhurt because I own the responsibility of keeping myself safe, not some agency, firm, or DM.

User Interface:
I own a small digital camera that I use both topside and in an U/W housing. Works fine underwater, drives me insane on the surface. I am an active person. I have missed endless action shots because the danm thing is going to take its time to give me the best pic possible before releasing the shutter. I don’t even take it with me anymore. Overly complex for the application.

In what sort of circumstance would you want to tweak the GF ...//...
A bit less bend and a bit more mend in a recreational ascent, maybe? I have time to exit a rec dive, no rush.
Choosing inappropriate GF values.

SB posters are often obsessed with computers being too conservative and claim brand X is better than brand Y as It gives longer NDL times. Believing that and having a complete choice of GF values may lead to some /100 value being used.

Very few people understand the ramifications of the choice of those numbers. Even the default 30/70 is no longer regarded as universally conservative.

Btw, I have a Petrel and have left it on 30/70.
Ken. Show me a GF setting on the Petrel that is more dangerous to the recreational diver than an Oceanic on DSAT. You do realize that the Petrel will not allow you to enter ridiculous GF settings. They will read as invalid when you try to save them.
You can set to 100/100.

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---------- Post added December 29th, 2015 at 03:33 PM ----------

Or at least, you can dive it 100/100

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You can set to 100/100.

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---------- Post added December 29th, 2015 at 03:33 PM ----------

Or at least, you can dive it 100/100

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As I said, that setting will read as invalid.
So you set to GF35/70, like a normal.

Then you go on a deep sidemount cave dive where nobody has been in 30 years. The line breaks, on return you get tangled badly at depth, then have to search for the other end of the line, you eat into your reserve. You get back to your deco bottle and it's free flowing. You can't double stop times on your back gas reserve as you've eaten into it. You can't complete on the deco gas cos it's p1ssing gas out.

So, the GF99 value, you watch that, when it goes just below a hundred (99% or 98%) you ascend to next stop depth. Then at 3m you stay there til it gets as low as possible. Because running out of gas is worse than getting bent.

Using GF99 it isn't hard to dive 100/100. If you think Buhlmann is what stops you getting bent, you're not going to worry about GFs.

Or you might think you're being safe and try and dive 50/50 and not want to use GF99 if something goes wrong and hurt yourself by trying to stick to 50/50 for your first stops, then a mad burst to surface to avoid drowning.

Start cocking with computers, without understanding the theory and you're really looking bad.

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So you set to GF35/70, like a normal.

Then you go on a deep sidemount cave dive where nobody has been in 30 years. The line breaks, on return you get tangled badly at depth, then have to search for the other end of the line, you eat into your reserve. You get back to your deco bottle and it's free flowing. You can't double stop times on your back gas reserve as you've eaten into it. You can't complete on the deco gas cos it's p1ssing gas out.

So, the GF99 value, you watch that, when it goes just below a hundred (99% or 98%) you ascend to next stop depth. Then at 3m you stay there til it gets as low as possible. Because running out of gas is worse than getting bent.

Using GF99 it isn't hard to dive 100/100. If you think Buhlmann is what stops you getting bent, you're not going to worry about GFs.

Or you might think you're being safe and try and dive 50/50 and not want to use GF99 if something goes wrong and hurt yourself by trying to stick to 50/50 for your first stops, then a mad burst to surface to avoid drowning.

Start cocking with computers, without understanding the theory and you're really looking bad.

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Ok, got it. Now do you really think that is something a recreational diver can do? Will our theoritical recreational diver that doesn't understand GF or how to set them know how to do this or even that it is an option? Show me a recreational diver that will be doing those dives.

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