I agree completely.
Their I need this appeal lies in totally understanding the root concept of a user interface, big bright displays, and a controlled amount of display customization. I also appreciate how they balance obsolescence with product improvement. Free software upgrades to get new features. Costs them next to nothing, retaining me as a loyal customer.
I just finished slogging through the logical morass of linking the wifes fitbit to Windows 10 on her laptop.
Do you want to cancel? Options: Continue and Cancel. Cancel cancelling was the correct choice. Landed on one screen that didnt allow me to back out. NO! I dont want to be forced to start a new account with one of three providers. Dont get me started
From Shearwaters site:
Armed with the belief that divers want a simple intuitive user interface previously unavailable in dive computers and rebreather control systems, the earliest focus was on the design of a menu structure that made sense to the user.
Sent design views to SP years ago with exactly this approach, suggestions for an intuitive rec DC for PHOTOGRAPHERS. Waste of electrons talking to those guys.
Doing it right. Years ago, a company that had gone through many mergers and found themselves owning a horridly complex line of technical products. I used several of their products and attended a training courses at their HQ. On one trip, they invited me to go through website testing for a free meal at a local restaurant. (
EMA Design Automation - Your Trusted Design Partner) Camera watched my eyes and cursor moves were recorded. How would you find this? OK, now find this
Endless. Last challenge was something that didnt exist. Where and when did I give up? Brilliant, I learned much from them. Quizzed the team afterwards. They employed a full-time useability team because it was cost effective for them.
Couple of years later had to program a podium for one of my old companys auditoriums. Piece of cake. But if I did it myself, then you would have to think like an engineer to find it easy while brain-locked with a couple hundred people staring at you. Remembered my useability lessons.
Grabbed people walking through the lobby and asked them to do a presentation. What? I dont know how to do that! Yes, this is exactly why I need you. Just try your best and let me watch
Auditorium project was a massive success, the podiums touch screen always offered a choice to keep you going. And that was the secret, the first time that you find yourself not knowing what to do next, your brain shuts down. Stop, Think, Act. You are now in recovery mode and everybody sees it. Contrast that with just knowing in your heart that something good will always be on the next screen.
Obviously, I spent all this time writing and recounting this for Shearwater. Free input. I'm just one happy users input, a datum, nothing more than that.
Yes, rec.
Please add no whining recovery from light deco. An option for
BIG alphanumerics.
It would be awesome.