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... we are not even a spec on the Earth's time line but, we are a spec that could drive an animal that has existed on this Earth for millions of years into extinction because we don't like to be vulnerable when we swim, or we like fin soup, or whatever. That IMO would be a significant glitch in the natural timeline of the Earth. That is one area where we have have a distinct advantage over the rest of the animal kingdom. We can destroy all life on this planet(at least for thousands of years anyways) if we want to. We've already screwed up the natural balance and affected the enviornment enough to the point where I think it's our responsibility to try to keep from screwing it up the rest of the way. I'm not supporting any sort of extremism, I just agree that we need to learn more about what's wrong before we try to make everything right. Maintain our "civilization" and our quality of life but, do it responsibly. Snap decisions generally do not bode well for the enviornment, whether they are for or against the enviornment. I also agree that people should be more involved and less a spectator in what's going on around them. What is really a tragedy is people fishing and killing off the sharks for the safety of the swimmers and surfers. When we get in that water we are fair game. We need to live with that fact instead of trying to change it.
As I continue to read this thread and re-read it, the thought that comes to my mind is that as humans, we have not been very good stewards of what has been entrusted to us.

Originally posted by uwsince79
I have yet to here one person talk about the upwelling of cold ocean currents close to shore along the eastern seaboard. The temps are in the 40's at the bottom and are very close to shore down here in south Florida. Ocean life and schooling bait fish are following it in. There is a huge thick layer of plankton at the 140' to 180 fsw mark.

Is that what's going on? I didn't know. Very interesting. Thanks for the info Bobby.

I live right here in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico. I have not written my congressman yet, because I have not made a decision on the issue. All of your comments are extremenly helpful and I appreciate everyone's well thought-out arguements.

If I may stray slightly... I have nothing but sympathy for the victims of a shark attack. That said, I must also say that I do not blame the animal or hold any animosity towards it. (Of course, I may be singing a different tune if I am ever a victim). But trying to be objective... we, swimmers, divers, surfers, etc., are entering their home and invading their space. If someone broke into my home and I felt he/she were threatening me or my family, well... it would get ugly. Enough said.

I think you have a point about not holding any animosity toward the sharks. That's what the media is (unintentionally?) stirring up, but they're just doing what nature programmed them to do.

If humans used the oceans sensibly (not swimming at dusk, not paddling out on your surfboard into murky water) and responsibly (don't overfish everywehre but near shore so that the sharks don't have anywhere else to go for food), we could all share it responsibly. There's enough ocean out there for all of us... no reason we can't share it.

Hey Fellas,
Let's not forget that the Gulf Stream comes VERY close to the East Coast of Florida. As close as a half mile at West Palm. The Gulf Stream is rich in fish and food for fish. It shouldn't be a bolt out of the blue to anyone that sharks follow their food source. That's why so many attack's on the East coast. That and about a million people a day paddling around in the surf.:tree:Bob
better yet, amusement parks in general.

There are more people injured or killed riding rollar coasters than from sharks. And if I am not mistaken, Disneyland here in California has had a number of deaths on some of their "tame" rides.

But on the shark feeding matter, I have mixed feelings. I personally don't care to participate in a shark feeding dive where everyone makes a circle and watches a person feeding the sharks. But on the other hand, I have participated in chumming the water to attract sharks so we can dive the open water with them. This is for the thrill of diving with them as well as hopefully catching one, tagging it and releasing it for research purposes.

I wish the government would not get involved in this issue. Divers are getting a bum rap, as well as the sharks on attacks that IMHO are unrelated to the feeding.

What the government should be concentrating on is cracking down on the idiots who are catching sharks, maliciously cutting their fins off and then throwing the shark back in the water.
Once again bravo to all!
It is another indication of the uniqueness of this board that such a controversial issue can be discussed in a civilized and thought provoking manner.
While I have done 2 shark feeding dives (Bahamas) , I do wonder on what side of the issue does the majority of factual, supportable evidence lie. In fact is there any? Or is it all supposition, opinion or posturing???

Has any one else had their local news stations flash a picture of a Great White Shark (right from the movie JAWS) in the background as they report the latest shark attack? Absurd!

Also absurd (in my opinion)are people that feed sharks. (I wonder if there are any "organized" expeditions for hand feeding lions. Unfortunately, I have no doubt there are). Personally, every time I've had the good fortune to encounter a shark(s) while diving, it's been awe inspiring and I feel very lucky to witness creatures as powerful and damn near perfect as they within the confines of their own environment.

(picture *****y woman wearing apron, pointing a finger now)...And one more thing! I CANNOT watch half of the shows on Discovery, TLC or Animal Planet during their "sweeps" weeks a.k.a. "Shark Week" without getting fired up! (hence forth I don't watch them any longer). After watching video of a woman wrapping a huge fish carcass around her arm, shoving it into a reef shark's face then complain about being attacked while the other side of her mouth spouts out how safe her shark "expeditions" are...well, it BLOWS MY MIND!

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