Shark Attacks Diver

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I'm sure I speak for the entire board when I say we appreciate your heroic efforts to remove as many sharks as possible from OUR oceans...what a bunch of trespassers those stupid sharks are..

Question for you cyklone, there is a large shark rushing at you with intent to kill, WHAT DO YOU DO?

I will not shoot a shark unprovoked, but if one comes at me - I'm top of the food chain as long as I have anything to say about it. Better him than me. I will shoot him to save my *ss.

Perhaps in place of your criticism and somewhat weak insults, you could tell us a better way of saving yourself from a hostile shark? One where you're assured the shark will leave you alone and you can make it to the surface safely? And where the shark leaves unharmed?
Negotiations and group hugs don't work, in case you were wondering.
I'd do the same. No one needs to tolerate having a bite taken out of their ass....

I just got rubbed the wrong way with the 'killer ape' theme and boasting about splattering shark brains for the sheer enjoyment of it. If that was humor, I missed have to admit the tone was a bit on the inflammatory side...

Inlet, nice thrust and parry on trading insults, tho. The return fire was quite good...I prefer cynical, sarcastic people, so maybe you aint' so bad...
cyklon_300 once bubbled...
I just got rubbed the wrong way with the 'killer ape' theme and boasting about splattering shark brains for the sheer enjoyment of it. If that was humor, I missed have to admit the tone was a bit on the inflammatory side...

Actually, I do disagree. I saw only one post where one guy said he USED to think that the only good shark was a dead shark. Otherwise, this has solely been a discussion of shark encounters and self defense. The most inflammatory post to date has been yours.
Stone once bubbled...

Welcome to the Scubaboard!

Good to be here Stone! I figured this was too good a thread to pass up!!
I'm the one who yanked Hector out of the water after his attack and saw first hand the look on his face. He was one shook up individual.
It just boggles my mind to see some tree hugger b!tch about killing a shark when someone was put in the position Hector was in. :confused:
Fla boyz...look at the profile button again,push it ,look down at occupation.Ya'll just agree to disagree.. eh?Or can we start a thread about the Manatee BBQ,Key deer roast and Bald Eagle fricassee and see how many more people get P-Od?;););)
They always forget the Panthers and those little burrowing owls...but what does it matter they all taste like chicken anyhow !
richhermes once bubbled...
It just boggles my mind to see some tree hugger b!tch about killing a shark when someone was put in the position Hector was in.

Maybe we should do a poll on Spearboard to see how many sharks have been killed by members (spearing, not fishing). I wonder if it is even double digits.

Long-liners, net fishermen, dedicated "sharkfin soup" ships, and the "mom and pop" sharkfin operations probably account for more dead sharks in one day than every spearfisherman in the world during the past 50 years.
I thought everyone knew that bycatch from"dolphin-safe "tuna fishing and longline swordfishing bycatch were the cause of a predominant amount of deathes to sharks,marine mammals,seabirds,turtles and billfish.How about bycatch from those shrimp coctails you had?What happens seems to be that to attack someones sport as being ecologically inefficient is much more palateable than to attack someones livelihood .Even the NMFS admits that recreational fishermen are miniscule in thier abitity to affect the environment in most cases if the biomass is managed and monitered closely.The rampant abuses by Bad commercial fishermen are well documented but the emotional response is to allow them their right to plunder natural resources due to the historic and even nostalgic nature of this industry.The only ones truly affected are the innocent commercial fishermen who follow the restrictions and so find themselves unable to compete.The normal ratio of commercial VS. recreational catch allowance per species is normally 80% to 20% respectively.Even tho the economic impact of each runs 90/10 the other way.That is for every dollar of fish caught the average recreational angler spends 9 times more money supporting the fishery and the economy than the commercial angler.The other side is that these weasels capitalize on the nature of the comments we sometimes make to make sportsmen seem to be a bunch of uneducated,crass,bloodthirsty yahoos bent on destroying natural resources.The truth be known these weasels contribute more to negative ad campaigns than to actually helping out.Anybody wanna guess who funds most of the environmental issue driven govt.agencies?It ain't PETA or ALF thats for sure.
Whoa! After reading all accounts of this - thank God you're alright Hector!

Just some observations about this from a 30+ year biologist.

You guys said you noticed him/her following you in the beginning and you had been cleaning fish. I think you planted the seed in his mind right from the get go of one thing. You were a native species and invading his territory and possibility already wounded. When you started poking your head in a hole that's another typical action of a wounded fish, hide and heal. Not only did you have the scent of a wounded fish on you but you also mimicked the actions of one.

Most sharks are smarter than this, but have you even noticed how hard it is even with people to change someone's mind after they've already decided that things are a certain way.

Just sounds to me like he had already painted a picture in his mind and you were going to be dinner.
Interesting take on it, Bomber. I'm a little more inclined to buy into that theory than the one that he was just a p*ssed off shark looking to hurt something!

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