Hey cycklon (i.e. believer of ancient poseidon technology),
I dive to spear fish, not to look at little pretty reef flowers like you and your girlfriends do.
Everyone on this thread who's been bit by a shark please stand up. I'm standing. Are you?
Didn't think so.
Then before you condemn spearfishermen from killing a shark that attacks, crying that we're "removing as many sharks as possible", why don't you at least fire off a couple more neurons and realize who you're arguing with. BTW, do you even think it's possible spearfisherman can even dent even the local population of sharks in FL let alone the whole ocean? If you do, you need to go back to remedial math.
I never shoot a shark that passes me by. I release them when I catch them trolling or bottom fishing. I will scramble the brains of any shark that acts like it's going to bite me (especially again). You're hippe-conservationalist-judgemental-pacifist-know it all attitude on this subject is going to send the wrong impression to someone who is actually out there spearfishing and might run into this situation one day. Anything else but putting steel into a shark in this situation will be ineffective. Period. Until you can provide similar evidence or experience (yeah, right) that anything else works when you have dead fish on your body, please enlighten us with your 338 posts of wisdom (i took out this one because it was not wisdom, just faint sarcasm).
Go back to the other threads where you argue about trivial crap like techie snorkel holders and the latest neon colored headlamp band for your next cave diving exploration. This thread's purpose was to warn our SPEARFISHING friends in FLORIDA about the problem we have down here. Spearfishing takes a different mentality than what you're used to or even live for, so please leave it to us. Try harder to recognize when some people joking around as well. Not to bust your balls so bad, but I invented sarcasm and people like you take it.
PS. let's do a little work on your faint attempt at a comedy routine.
Corvettes are for old people or guys living in the 80's that still have mullet haircuts.
You posting on a shark issue is more humorous.
BTW, nice pic you have there on a cattle boat. I'm sure you have tons of stories on this subject.