I'm sure I have less experience with sharks than
@HalcyonDaze does, but my experience has been quite similar. I have been in large groups of Lemon Sharks on numerous occasions. Last March, at Lemon Drop, off Jupiter, I counted up to 17 within view on several occasions. They would make close passes, often a few at a time. I never once felt threatened or fearful.
I have also dived with many Bull Sharks on Deep Ledge in Jupiter. I've not seen behavior that has worried me on these dives. However, I have been near hunters on several occasions where Bulls had been attracted and the behavior of the sharks has made me nervous enough to resume my solo dive rather than hang around and watch.
I have been fortunate to be among many Hammerheads off Cocos and Galapagos. We had to stay as still as possible not to scare them off. Often, movement by an overzealous photographer, and they were gone.
I have only seen a few Tiger Sharks, usually from a distance. On one dive at Cocos, off Manuelita, while watching Hammerheads, a Tiger Shark made a brief appearance and then swam off. Several minutes later, it had come up behind all of us and made a close, exploratory pass, startling everyone. We paid much more attention for the rest of that dive and on subsequent dives.
I have never seen an Oceanic Whitetip. I spent 2 weeks in the Red Sea, but was there during their off season. I still hope to have the opportunity to see Oceanic Whitetips, but, believe me, I would treat them with the respect they deserve.
To be clear, I do not participate in baited or feeding shark dives. However, in the name of transparent disclosure, I have been on dives in Jupiter, where we have followed a dive by Emerald Charters and were the beneficiaries of shark activity.