I was talkin to a fellow swamper about doing some dive work for some lucky lake residents, and it got me to wondering how many of you do stuff for people? Do you charge them for your services?
Have you ever taken on something you had to back out of? Any dangerous situations arise that you didn't expect or consider?
Personally, I enjoy helping people check out cables, or find lost items or whatever. If they pay me, that's cool, I'll take it. If not, well, I got the chance to check out another dive spot.
It just feels cool to do something productive with my divetime.
Have you ever taken on something you had to back out of? Any dangerous situations arise that you didn't expect or consider?
Personally, I enjoy helping people check out cables, or find lost items or whatever. If they pay me, that's cool, I'll take it. If not, well, I got the chance to check out another dive spot.
It just feels cool to do something productive with my divetime.