Francisco Trevisan PY2ALC
i want to learn from your course
Yes, they are steel and sharp too. You're not going to reuse that 0-ring, are you? If you don't have chrome in the slot or don't feel you have the dexterity, then just spear the o-ring. I've yet to cause a leak that way, but I have more experience than most dealing with o-rings. I was a tech on a super-con magnet in college. The clearances and seals in Scuba are pretty 'loose', if you catch my drift.
As for the in hose tuner, has them, but when you learn the trick of how to set up that second stage before you put any pressure to it, you'll find it to be just another weight in the toolbox. I have a lot of paperweights that looked useful when I bought them. Before a lure catches any fish, it has to catch the fisherman first.![]()
My workshop is always open to any instructor who wants to use it: no charge.