When the options are something manufactured on cheap 3rd world labor vs buying locally, I try and buy local often as is feasible. It's easier to say than do.
But when we are talking about something manufactured in a country with stronger labor laws than the US and stronger currency resulting in more expensive labor, if the product is still cheaper, that's American businesses not being competitive, and that's not my problem to solve.
Rationalization and justification not taking the full picture in but it SOUNDS good.
There are MANY drysuit manufacturers in North America, US and Canada, that cover a very wide spectrum of price points. American based manufacturers are very competitive especially for somebody living in North America. Stating otherwise is simply an emotional statement to rationalize and justify not so wise decisions during these most difficult times for local economies. Of course the Queen and her pretty subjects will be using their tax income to pay for your vaccines and other critical infrastructure in America and their "stronger labor laws" will bail you out when you are falling.