pretty close to my choice, exceptions for me, standard braces, no warm neck (I had it on my first suit and it made some repair harder to accomplish) I use the waterproof neoprene seal that works with the quick neck. I don’t do the Dir exhaust, never had a need for more than one pocket, even when I had a suit with two the left one never was used. I’ve not opted for the extra room, can’t comment on it other than I’ve never needed it.I'm just about to buy my first Seaskin (and then spend the next 3 months obsessively checking emails and watching the clock until it arrives). What extras did you all buy? I'm thinking of getting:
What other extras should I buy at this point? Are there any other spare parts that I would want for my SAD kit?
- Drysuit
- fully telescopic
- extra thick undergarments
- plastic zip with zip cover
- trigon p-valve
- quick neck (or do I go orust and forgo the warm neck?)
- simple warm neck
- oval cuffs (my hands are big and don't fold, so I would struggle getting the 100mm Kubis on and they would be much bulkier than the ovals)
- DIR valve position
- SI Tech valves
- Neoprene socks
- 40mm braces
- Expedition pockets x2
- Undergarment 250
- I know people try to game the system and avoid duty, but it seems like the $75 shipping to the US is more than the cost of 28% tax
- I'm thinking of just the 250 because that seems like the best compromise. I feel that it'll be good in warmer water dry diving and in colder water stuff. If I ever start ice diving, I can layer extra stuff underneath, and if I'm too warm, I can get less insulating gear at that point.
- Extra neck seal x1
- Extra wrist seals x1 pair
I will get the quick disconnects, condom caths, skin prep wipes, and rock boots later once the suit is closer to arrival.
Is there any other advice that you would have for me at this point? I've tried to go through all the pages, but there's a lot of info and I probably missed some.
im not a fan of the puffy thinsulate type undies I’ve tried them several times and just a no go for me.
unless you have a specific need for the extra protection (suit comes with all that most people need) that Rob suggests, I wouldn’t bother.