Various random ordered questions...
If you want the Rolock dry glove system, I assume you also need to order the SiTech Oval cuff rings?
How much value would you say the "neck warmer" options add?
If a person isn't a tech diver or instructor, would people recommend the flat pockets to keep things more streamlined?
I'm a bit barrel chested, is that the idea behind the longer LP hose option or is it geared towards another reason?
Is there a consensus on YKK vs brass zipper? I would be diving like 4-8 tanks a months if that matters.
Do people get the braces pocket for car keys or do you stow them elsewhere?
Anyone got a good source where I can learn how all this pee valve sluff works?
I just ordered a new Nova yesterday, exchange rate 1.14!
I have RoLock sets on both of my suits so I ordered the oval rings to go with what I already have.
I went with the plastic zip, I added a TiZip to my old suit and so much prefer the plastic tip to brass.
I had a simple warm neck on my old suit I did not bother with it this time, it just gets in the way with maintenance and repair.
I got one pocket, large zippered, since I prefer zipper to Velcro.
I don’t get the key pocket because my key is todamn big and I don’t want to risk it getting wet, I bought one of those key safe things and clip it into my pocket.
pee valves

they are essential, for me, they work fine unless they don’t but once you have a problem just keep peeing and plan on doing laundry.
I use the trigon, super low profile, simple construction and once you learn not to over pressurize it in a fit of paranoid cleaning frenzy it works perfectly.
catheters are the weak link, cut about 70% off of the nipple off to lessen the chance of a kink which will cause back pressure and will often lift the glue away from the little buddies skin, make so short the the barb looks dangerous.
By the way my total with shipping, 810 GBP, less than $950