If anyone monitoring this site is involved in the air search coordination, I suggest contacting the US Coast Guard to get their advice on how to conduct an aerial search. This could include altitude, scanning techniques, lighting angle considerations etc. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when they probably know the best way to search for a person floating in the water.
A similar underwater search from the wall to the shore for a long distance down current is also warranted.
Such an underwater search might place people at increased risk of being left in open water. Having a PLB along with other visibility enhancing aids (surface marker buoy, mirrors, flashlights, dye packets, etc) should be considered for all search divers at elevated risk.
Example of sea dye marker below
Sea Dye Markers – Sea Rescue Devices by Presto Dyechem
This one looks much better:
Divesoft Fluorescein Marker Dye
A similar underwater search from the wall to the shore for a long distance down current is also warranted.
Such an underwater search might place people at increased risk of being left in open water. Having a PLB along with other visibility enhancing aids (surface marker buoy, mirrors, flashlights, dye packets, etc) should be considered for all search divers at elevated risk.
Example of sea dye marker below
Sea Dye Markers – Sea Rescue Devices by Presto Dyechem
This one looks much better:
Divesoft Fluorescein Marker Dye