Sea Shepherd condemned by International Whaling Commission.

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The ones called terrorist organizations use scare tactics to get what they want, even if it endangers life and/or property ... anyone remember spiking trees to keep loggers from cutting them? ... you know what happens if a chain saw hits them?

Tactics ... it's not what they stand for that I object to, it's how they try to accomplish it that gets me, I don't care if you accomplish good in the end, the ends do not justify the means
The ones called terrorist organizations use scare tactics to get what they want, even if it endangers life and/or property ... anyone remember spiking trees to keep loggers from cutting them? ... you know what happens if a chain saw hits them?

Tactics ... it's not what they stand for that I object to, it's how they try to accomplish it that gets me, I don't care if you accomplish good in the end, the ends do not justify the means

Capt. Watson works for the whales and the 500 that get to live another year
wouldn't care how that was accomplished and neither do I.
Those waters are not recognised as Australian by the majority of the planet. If I recall correctly, just four nations recognise Australia's claim and none of them are big. The United Nations are the ultimate artiber in these cases and they do not recognise Australia's case.

Case closed.

Not really. The UN is a joke.

isn't it a bit off topic? :wink:

Actually no. This thread is about the IWC condemning the Sea Shepherds and my link is about some of the important people that support Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. It is relevant.
Actually no. This thread is about the IWC condemning the Sea Shepherds and my link is about some of the important people that support Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. It is relevant.

I'll accept that.

Note that you are one of the few objective enough in this thread that I can have a conversation with. Sure cant say that about the name calling ones :)
I'll accept that.

Note that you are one of the few objective enough in this thread that I can have a conversation with. Sure cant say that about the name calling ones :)

Thank you. I see no purpose in name calling. This thread isn't about anybody here personally and nothing should be personally directed. I like this discussion and while I defend the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, I am still relatively new to this subject and am learning a lot from having this debate.
It's no mysterious reason why Japan is the only real topic of discussion here. The reason is because that is the current campaign. Or was when this thread was started. We all know that Japan is not the only country that whales and SS has many campaigns that are resurrected from time to time involving different whaling countries.

We don't pick on just Japanese whaling, we just try to stay on topic and Japanese whaling is the topic of this discussion.
Actually the topic of this thread is not the japanese whaling, nor should it be about whaling in the first place. Its about the IWC condemning the actions of sea sheperd..
Actually the topic of this thread is not the japanese whaling, nor should it be about whaling in the first place. Its about the IWC condemning the actions of sea sheperd..

The IWC, whales, the Japanese whaling fleet, conservation and SS are all intertwined.
If we just spoke about the IWC we'd have about two pages of that thread topic. IMO, the IWC is a toothless organization similar to the UN.

Actually the topic of this thread is not the japanese whaling, nor should it be about whaling in the first place. Its about the IWC condemning the actions of sea sheperd..

And what exactly did they condemn? Answer: The actions of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society against the Japanese whalers. I believe this is related.

The topic of the current discussion has been both Japanese whaling and the condemnation of SS by the IWC. Read the posts.
Based on...? What, the crew shot the captain for press?

Based on the video, my strong hunch is the entire incident was manufactured by Sea Shepherd for the press, as gullible people will swallow anything. If Sea Shepherd said the whalers launched a nuclear missile as the Steve Irwin I am sure we'd have a few on here denouncing them for using nukes in international waters.

aquaman 06:
I notice you are living in Japan, perhaps you are Japanese, and perhaps you feel your people have some soverign right to fish the oceans clean of fish and whale the seas free of dolphins and whales

That is just as accurate a guess as anything else you've posted. For the hard of thinking, I would clarify I'm not Japanese, and neither do I particularly support the Japanese whaling industry.

aquaman 06:
To sit back and say the Japanese are legally hunting and killing whales, I just can't understand that thinking.

I'm sorry about that. Maybe take a less emotive stance and try to open your mind a bit and think about a point of view other than your own - whether you agree with it or not?

Mr X:
Not really. The UN is a joke.

Name your alternative.

aquaman 06:
The Japanese don't need shark fin soup to live - the Japanese enjoy these foods and use them as status symbols.

Once again you show your ignorance. They may all look yellow to you but there is quite a bit of difference between Japan and China.

aquaman 06:
You are literally making up reasons as to why international conservation law does not apply to Japan.

No, you are making up international conversation laws. What laws are you talking about?

aquaman 06:
Sadly though Geoff not everyone on Earth feels the same way as the Japanese the Norwegians or the Icelandic people.

Yeah, it sucks when other people have a different opinion to you, doesn't it?
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