Sea Shepherd condemned by International Whaling Commission.

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What was the point you were trying to make?

Referring to "the Sea Shepherd" makes it seem like the poster isn't sufficiently informed to distinguish between Sea Shepherd (the organisation) and the activities of the Steve Irwin.

They weren't whining about the shooting, they were reporting it.

They were completely making it up.
Correct me if Im wrong, but didnt greenpeace officially stop supporting cpt. wacko as well?

As far as every single whaling/ss debate goes, for some mysterious reason, only Japan is getting chewed up, despite the fact that both Iceland and Norway also whale and Norway DO WHALE COMMERCIALLY. Maybe its not the whaling you guys really are pissed off about? Maybe its the fact that the japanese does it within the IWC agreement? Maybe youd let it go if they also did like us and tell the IWC to f-word off?

I have never eaten whale and its not on my "to do" list to eat whale, however I have no problem with whaling as long as its done in a manner thats sustainable, which the minke whale hunting is.

And for the record..
An agreement between a handful of countries to not hunt deer doesnt make it illegal for the countries not bound by that agreement to hunt deer. Whaling is NOT illegal. The way the japanese whalers conduct their hunting might be questionable and unethical, but its NOT illegal untill proven so.
As far as every single whaling/ss debate goes, for some mysterious reason, only Japan is getting chewed up, despite the fact that both Iceland and Norway also whale and Norway DO WHALE COMMERCIALLY. Maybe its not the whaling you guys really are pissed off about? Maybe its the fact that the japanese does it within the IWC agreement? Maybe youd let it go if they also did like us and tell the IWC to f-word off?

And for the record..
An agreement between a handful of countries to not hunt deer doesnt make it illegal for the countries not bound by that agreement to hunt deer. Whaling is NOT illegal. The way the japanese whalers conduct their hunting might be questionable and unethical, but its NOT illegal untill proven so.

Active anti-whaling protest activities cannot easily take place in sovereign, coastal waters.

"Legal" can refer to both sides of the whaling issue in the Antarctic sanctuary. Again, the IWC (not a policing agency) allows members to opt out. Instead of opting out of the IWC, the Japanese fishing industry found a loophole which for a few years has been an advantageous option. If the Japanese fishing industry did opt out, they'd have to hunt in local waters...where the take would be minimal.

Who said that they don't expect any retaliation? Of course they expect it. They constantly report their intentions on the SS website and in those reports they always report about the retaliation that they are expecting because of their actions. They weren't whining about the shooting, they were reporting it. Are you comparing running and hiding under the couch to staying in the Southern Ocean after being shot at and continuing to interfere with the whaling? How is that an even comparison?

ok. Maybe someone will step up and give them the combat they're asking for.
Correct me if Im wrong, but didnt greenpeace officially stop supporting cpt. wacko as well?

As far as every single whaling/ss debate goes, for some mysterious reason, only Japan is getting chewed up, despite the fact that both Iceland and Norway also whale and Norway DO WHALE COMMERCIALLY. Maybe its not the whaling you guys really are pissed off about? Maybe its the fact that the japanese does it within the IWC agreement? Maybe youd let it go if they also did like us and tell the IWC to f-word off?

It's no mysterious reason why Japan is the only real topic of discussion here. The reason is because that is the current campaign. Or was when this thread was started. We all know that Japan is not the only country that whales and SS has many campaigns that are resurrected from time to time involving different whaling countries.

We don't pick on just Japanese whaling, we just try to stay on topic and Japanese whaling is the topic of this discussion.
For those of you who think that Steve Irwin and his family would be shamed by a connection with Paul Watson:

Wildlife Warrior
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