With all due respect, GI (though arrogant and uncivil) has routinely done dives that none of those guys you mentioned could pull off in their dreams. He has no interest in trying to gain anyone's respect, and he's not a mass salesman like most of those guys. JJ, on the other hand, has not only done what GI has done, but is highly respected since his attitude is a bit more civil. When either of these guys offer recommendations, you can rest assured that they are based on real dives and real experience that no one in this world can compare to. To discount their recommendations is only to show extrodinary amount or arrogance and ignorance.
Between GI and JJ, they have brought about an enormous amount relavent change to INCREASE safety in the technical diving world -- unlike most of those you mentioned who enjoy profitting off unsafe dive practices. I have about as much disrespect for many of those you mentioned as I can have for someone. Some of them either have or currently hold a bunch of irrelevant, hot dog records that have about as worth as my PADI AOW cert card I have in my closet.
As you said, everyone has opinions, and they should be free to express them here. I can assure you that a highly biased and forceful approach is generally a red flag. It doesn't do much to address your own ego either. GI seems to make that approach work for him with some people, but only because he actually has something relavent to say once in while based on an enormous amount of real experience and knowledge that no one else has. Some people don't like it, and I don't blame them. I think you may have something to offer to this board (even if it's opposing views), but if you really wish to heard and accepted, then maybe you should rethink your approach.
Take care,
PS. You say those guys you mentioned are "the best". What are they really the best at doing? All I can think of is salesmanship.