regulator choice

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FTFY :wink:
I'll NEVER understand the enthusiasm for the DST/XTX50

Well not to start a "Ford vs. Chevy" thread because I would be more than happy to dive MK25's and I think the world of them as well but I will say there is a reason why if you go to any major tech diving area in the world you will see alot of people running DST/XTX combos (or some kind of variation, lets be honest most the Apeks line is the same internally) in situations where they really really count on them. Think Dahab, Tulum/Playa, Chuck/Bikini, Amed/Gilis, Aussie caves, Thailand, Philipines, not to mention all the various caves, mines, and wrecks in the EU/UK, etc. etc. Also there is a reason why so many other companies are making knock offs of them; DR, DGX, Techline, Hollis, TDS, Aquatec, Deep6, IST, HOG, Aeropec, Promate, etc. I can only think of a couple companies making MK25/MK17 knock offs. Also interesting that Apeks regs are the most common regs for rebreather companies to chose for there units.

I personally have dove them down to -200m as well as on 600min cave dives and the 3 mentioned brand are the only regs a really trust for dives like that. Also I really like that I can rebuild a 1st stage sitting at a cave entrance in about 5-10min with only 4 tools (adjust wrench, pin spanner, 5mm & 6mm allen). Plus you can get parts for them anywhere in the world.
FTFY :wink:
I'll NEVER understand the enthusiasm for the DST/XTX50
It started with the tech crowd.
They needed a reg that was simple with no frills, easy to obtain parts (typically tech divers work on their own stuff) and the pricing was decent to be able to own 8 or 10 sets. They are diaphragm so better for cold salt water.
Scubapro is expensive and always has been, plus they play keep away with their parts. The DIR guys liked scubapro for fresh water caves. They used MK 20/G250's was the standard.
So with that provenance in mind that's how Apeks gained popularity and respect. In other words, if the tech divers use them then they must be good.
If it wasn't for the free info flying around on internet diving message boards Apeks would still be a small relatively unheard of company. I never heard of one or saw one until I read about them on the internet. It's not something that a typical dive shop would carry at that time.
Thank the internet.
Apeks service huge military/LE contracts including supplying all 1st stages for Inspiro. Not exactly a boutique company.
Apeks service huge military/LE contracts including supplying all 1st stages for Inspiro. Not exactly a boutique company.
They are big now but they didn't used to be.
Do you consider Poseidon to be a huge mainstream company or more of a niche brand? They have military contracts too.
I classify Apeks as a company about like Poseidon, not unheard of but not something you will see in every dive shop either.
When Aqualung acquired Apeks it definitely helped with their government/military contracts and gave them more exposure in some dive shops.
Have never used any Atomic gear, but know others that have and they speak highly of the quality. Always been just a bit too pricey for me. Have used the Scubapros before and they've been excellent. Would have no problem using them again, except the LDS doesn't carry their stuff. They've got plenty of AL/Apeks tho, which is why I went with a DST/XTX50 set (got a decent deal on them.) For the diving I've done so far (cold Great Lakes water & warm drift diving,) it's been rock solid, but I am not exactly pushing the limits.

I think both of those are going to be very good options.
They are big now but they didn't used to be.
Do you consider Poseidon to be a huge mainstream company or more of a niche brand? They have military contracts too.
I classify Apeks as a company about like Poseidon, not unheard of but not something you will see in every dive shop either.
When Aqualung acquired Apeks it definitely helped with their government/military contracts and gave them more exposure in some dive shops.

Poseidon is very niche, try getting parts in most places and they have some service quirks. Which is why I'm selling my sets and consolidating with other regs.
I'd really like to try a SP MK19 Evo since I seem to prefer sealed diaphragm. Plus the mk25 seems a bit too long to sit perfectly in sidemount.
I'd really like to try a SP MK19 Evo since I seem to prefer sealed diaphragm. Plus the mk25 seems a bit too long to sit perfectly in sidemount.
I think they’re more or less the same height

Can’t speak for the mk25e (don’t have one)

The old mk19 is the only one that’s quite huge


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Poseidon is very niche, try getting parts in most places and they have some service quirks. Which is why I'm selling my sets and consolidating with other regs.
Big changes afoot for Poseidon USA.

The previous company in charge of training and distribution has lost their franchise. It is being taken on by Mark Derrick, the owner of DGX, who has formed a new company.
I have tentatively been asked to become their US military and civilian Service Technician trainer.

A new website, will make parts and kit distribution much easier, and per DGX conditions of participation, Poseidon will support training and sales beyond dive shops, incl. direct to the consumer.

I'm meeting with their Chief Trainer this week. It will take us some months to get this up to speed, but I would take issue with the "service quirks" urban myth. The new models are extraordinarily simple to service. They're just different.

The Poseidon Xstream first stage is among the best designs in the world. The second stages breathe differently - they don't "sip", but that's not a good way to breathe anyway. Sipping exchanges too much dead space gas in your airways. But there are those that like it, especially in deep water, and those who don't. Tomayto, tomahto.

For those who know me, you know that I won't just become a Poseidon fanboi. I'll continue to call things as I see them. But if this all pans out, I'm determined to put the rumors to rest, train anyone who wants to learn, and work with Mark on spare parts distribution. Poseidon Cyklon is a very old, proven design with omni-position capability without being hard to breathe (e.g., looking up). Poseidon Xstream has similarly excellent case geometry fault, and is as reliable as it gets. It is one of only two regulators certified by the USN as a cold water regulator to 190 feet.

Going forward, I'm sure there will be lots of discussion comparing the fine points.

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