Hey, Cabo Jim, do you buy your car from the first dealers lot you look over? Buy the refridgerator from the first appliance store you enter? When your water heater dies, do you call one plumber, and tell him to come over? Where I live, we have choices available...and if you chose to put your cash in one persons till, that is your choice....all I did was try on some footwear.....that shop has a lot of my money....lessons, equipment overhauls...if you are a dealer/sales rep/clerk/sweeper...you need to smell the coffee, and realize that the INTERNET is a big happy place, and we use it.....I just received a new bathroom faucet via the internet that cost me $258(special order, hard to find, with shipping included.....versus paying $340 from the local Home Depot.....so.........keep paying too much for your purchases....i don't....
I will be using those fins tomorrow in Cancun, leaving the below freezing midwest ......cannot wait for a full moon night snorkel!