Last week while I was on vacation on Roatan I ran into an odd problem with my Scubapro Mk 20 first stage (blunt piston), thankfully I had a recently rebuilt spare Mk 10, and swapped it out. The problem started on my 2nd or 3rd dive of the week, and would only happen with a partly full tank starting at around 1,500 psi going on until about 1,100 psi. The problem can be described as a loud high pitched whistle, and bubbles coming out of the 1st stage vent holes, the whistling was constant, not associated with breathing. There was no air leak or unusual sound with a full tank, I am not sure exact pressure where the air leak would start, however the whistling would stop around 1,100 psi, and leak would continue down to about 900 psi. I would catagorize the leak as moderate rate, fast enough to leak down pressure from a turned off tank valve in about 45 seconds. I have never serviced this particular Mk 20 myself (I bought it off ebay), I did take it into the local Scubapro shop this summer for the yoke nut recall, while there they messed up the switch on the attached D400, I took it back again, and they put the D400 aspirator in backwards. (this should teach me to let other people work on my gear). I did not have the parts with me to service the Mk 20 (I now have a new piston and service kit), or a full service bench, just my basic field kit, multi tool, allen wrenches, picks, (rebuild kits for just about everything else I own) etc. So sitting in the club house I removed the cover noted the old lube was somewhat gummy , cleaned and relubed the piston O-ring, etc., I reassembled, and it seemed to fix the problem, although I did not do extensive testing. Has anyone else ever seen anything like this, 2 other scubapro techs (one a scubapro shop owner), that saw me working on it had never seen this problem before.
thanks Ike
thanks Ike