Scubapro Galileo G2 short NDL

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Well, as Diego Crippa comments,
he has the same issues (very short NDL on second dive) with his Galileo G2 as i experience.
He also could solve some of them exchange his bad heart beat sensor because his was sending the double of heartbeats than he actually had.
This obviously influenced the algorithm and made it even more restrictive.
It seems to me that the G2 suffers some serious teething problems with the sensor(s) and maybe the algorithm too.
Unfortunately the LogTrack software is no help at all to tackle down this problems...
I am very disappointed!
Buongiorno Chris ...
Esatto è proprio così ...,
il foftwer LogTrak fa veramente pena, non si vede il computer sub con i dati quando si seleziona sul grafico,non da il segnalibro sul grafico,non fa calcoli tessuti visibili,non da consumi aria sul grafico in qualtità es. al tot punto grafico consumavi 32 lt. ecc. non da medie , addirittura non è selezionabile ne l'atrezatura ne i dati compagno di immersione non si può stampare l'immersione ne il grafico (unico modo trovato acquisire con un programma microsoft l'immagine per rubarla dallo schermo) un softwer assurdo ed inutile.
Anche l'aplicazione del cellulare. uguale LogTrak per android paurosa, usate DiveMat funziona benissimo e da più dati "dell'originale"
Ho fatto presente il tutto a Scubapro, mi è stato risposto,
Mia Domanda:
Buon giorno...
Ho un grosso problema !!!
Ho acquistato il computer scubapro G2 "Galileo 2"
Una grossa delusione col softwer Scubapro "Loog Trak" non serve a niente non si può inserire nessun dato es." compagno, attrezzatura, meteo, condizioni mare, tipo immersioni, ecc. non segna sul grafico il punto immersione" che si inserisce sotto il mare con l'apposito tasto , non dà dati aria,consumo media ecc." non si può stampare il grafico immersione e non fa vedere lo schermo computer che si vede in mare!!! voglio poter inserire il loogbook di G2 nel programma "SmartTrak il quale era perfetto e utilissimo" come posso fare??? sistemate Loog Trak è bruttissimo ed inutile...
Ringrazio Diego
Ps. basterebbe poter esportare le immersioni di G2 in un formato leggibile da SmartTrak!!! il Galileo sol era perfetto...

Risposta Scubapro:
Buongiorno sig. Crippa,

Purtroppo, non è possibile estrarre i dati da G2 in un formato leggibile da SmartTRAK. I nostri tecnici stanno lavorando per aggiornare LogTRAK e renderlo più performante.
Grazie per la sua posta e approfittiamo per salutarla cordialmente

Mio pensiero ... il computer costa più di mille euro non mi sarei mai aspettato una cosa del genere sopratutto da scubapro...
poi ho scoperto problema sonda cardio .... "penso risolto"
ma sulla seconda immersione pausoso...
lo ho preso perchè pensavo fosse permissivo e come il Galileo sol "invece una grossa delusione"
Sto pensando l'acquisto di un Suunto Eon Steel magari usato
I used to think this too, and it may be generally true. @Diving Dubai provided me with additional information some time ago. At least for the Eon Steel and the Fused RGBM algorithm, if you set the personal adjustment value at P-2, the computer appears to be as liberal as DSAT. I don't know if this would continue to hold up for repetitive dives.
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View attachment 428310

I have some more data for you.

@BurhanMuntasser - this might assist with your question about GF differences

I've just done a weekend of dives (8) on and Instructor development weekend. We were diving air on AL 80's we all had good gas consupmtion so NDL's rather than Gas were the limiting factor on some dives - (boredom on others :wink:) A number had their Perdix's with them set to Low conservatism in rec (45/95 I think?)

With me at -2 on the Eon I always had more NDL

We had 3 dives between 35 - 40m, 3 dives 24-30m and 2 sub 18m The smallest difference was 3mins, the greatest was 10mins. Obviously the shallow dives we didn't get into NDL

Obviously I wasn't wearing only compared out of interest occasionally during the dive (and generally when it was time to go up)

This is casually observed data, and not empirical from chamber tests, but it does seem to add weight that the Fused RGBM can be liberal. I don't want another argument as to which computer is best

I had deep stops turned off so only had 3m stops at 5m. One Perdix was on Adaptive?? So once gave a 4m stop - But again I wasn't wearing it

The one thing I like to reinforce

It's called Decompression Theory not Decompression Fact!
...I've just done a weekend of dives (8) on and Instructor development weekend. We were diving air on AL 80's we all had good gas consupmtion so NDL's rather than Gas were the limiting factor on some dives - (boredom on others :wink:) A number had their Perdix's with them set to Low conservatism in rec (45/95 I think?)

With me at -2 on the Eon I always had more NDL...

That makes sense. On air, for depths of 60 ft (18 m) and deeper, it takes of GF hi of about 100 or higher to match DSAT. The NDL for Suunto Fused RGBM set at P-2 at 30 meters is the same as DSAT (see posts #s 10 and 17). The Perdix NDLs at 45/95 are within a minute of the NDLs in the table for a GF hi of 95 from my Nitek Q:

buongiorno a tutti
Quindi Suunto Eon Steel "fused RGBM "in aria impostato a P-2! risulta più permissivo "rispetto Perdix e Galileo Sol (Buhlman)?
cioè da meno deco in risalita?
Arrivato il Suunto Eon Core nuovo :


  • suunto-eon-core-lime_front_tank_metric.png
    24.9 KB · Views: 82
i did several 100-150ft dives with the Eon Steel and the Galileo G2 together all using EAN 27-32 , and everything seemed to be normal.
The Galileo G2 gave me usually 1-2 minutes less bottom time on BOTH dives than the Eon Steel and this is a acceptable difference and the PDIS setting does not change considerable this behaviour.
Today i dove again the Wreck at 100ft, this time using air and BANG, the same problem was back:
1° dive Galileo G2 gave me 1 min less bottom time than the Eon Steel
1:30 hour surface interval
2° dive Gallileo gave me 7 minutes less bottom time even with PDIS on
I continued the dive using the Suunto NDL, did 1 EON deep stop at 50 ft for 1 minute and 2 minutes PDIS deep stop at 42 ft.
The Galileo G2 gave me 8 minutes of deco while the EON Steel showed me 99+ minutes dive time at 35 ft

I really don't understand what is wrong with the NDL calculations the Galileo G2 is doing!!!
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