just wanted to mention this. I called the lds and told the tech that the manual inflation button on my air2 was sticking a little bit after I cleaned it and asked if they had any o-ring lub. He said, sure and i went by to pick it up. Well, when i get there, the owner sees me and wants to take a look at it and totally acts like I don't have a clue. I explained exactly what the problem was and that I wanted the o-ring lube because it wasn't sliding in the cylinder smoothly. He acted like he wanted to rebuild it ($35). I said, well it works fine besides that and that when I cleaned it (took it apart to clean it well) i washed away the lube. He takes the cover off and looks for any sign of dirt or any other reason to service it (which he didn't find). He should have, if anything offered to only replace that one o-ring if he thought it was bad. Anyway, a couple bucks worth of 0-ring lube and its working like new. I won't forget to mention that to them tommorrow when I pick up some tanks. By the way, it is just about time for service, but since I'm only diving a few more times till spring, I think i'll wait til cabin fever strikes me in dec. or jan. and I'll be servicing it myself.
Oh yeah, does anyone else have any problems with their air2 or any information to share about them?
Oh yeah, does anyone else have any problems with their air2 or any information to share about them?