We're driving back from Tractor Supply in Branford when @Moose's alarm on his phone goes off. I see him playing and playing with his phone, but he's not saying a thing. Punch, punch, punch, and then he puts his phone up to his ear. I hear a barely perceptible sigh, and he starts the process all over... and over... Being nosey, I look over and see "ScubaBoard" all over his phone and Bay Adventures at the top. "Oh, you're getting in on the Invasion? How cool! Are all those busy signals?" "They are! I have to call because you won't save me a slot!" Ohhhh, the sweet bitterness of having your best friend own ScubaBoard, and yet he's not able to save you a spot! It was interesting to see the process from his side.Yeah, it's just the luck of the timing to hit it just as they hang up from another call. Good for you getting thru so quick. Can't wait to see everybody.
38 tries, while driving, and he finally got through. You guys rock!!!