The question is: is the shop in an area where there are sufficient numbers of new students coming in the door so that overselling them will not create so much ill will that the number of new students coming in the door will drop to the point that the increased profits per student no longer makes up for the drop in numbers.
The shop is in Montclair, CA at the western edge of what's called the Inland Empire. About 50 or so miles from the ocean. I think, but don't know for sure, that most of the new students are recruited at shows and events. It seems that every other dive shop in the area is very well aware of Rusty. In fact, I called the local Sports Chalet in Ranch Cucamonga and told the guy I had had a bad experience with a local dive shop. He said, "let me guess, SSA in Montclair?" I asked how he could know that. He said, "Rusty is my best customer. I get calls from pissed off customers all of the time."