SCUBA Diving a sport?

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Lawman once bubbled...
skills, specialized equiptment, danger...

I think sex is a sport!!
I think you nailed that one.. no pun intended.. LOL :D

Heres a thought to ponder... if getting paid to be involved in or play a sport makes you a professional athlete, and sex is a sport, does that make prostitutes (male or female) professional athletes too? :eek:ut:
crazed_dolphin once bubbled...

I would like to know what everyone here thinks. I was having a casual discussion with some new friends I made in Russia. A subject of what sports do you participate came up. I said SCUBA diving. I was told that scuba diving is not a sport, it's more like a hobby. I came across the same opinion with some Americans. What do you think?

If you trust dictionaries
"a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in."
it sounds like scuba diving definitely qualifies as a sport.

Hope that helps
I could care less of what a non-diver thinks, I've been somewhere they probably never will. They have the Xgames on tv, hell I could fall off a bike or a skateboard too, climb up a mountain and slide down on a couple filed down 2by4's, is that a sport?
scubacowboy once bubbled...
I could care less of what a non-diver thinks, I've been somewhere they probably never will. They have the Xgames on tv, hell I could fall off a bike or a skateboard too, climb up a mountain and slide down on a couple filed down 2by4's, is that a sport?

If you can get a sponsor :rolleyes:
From another dictionary...

sport ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spôrt, sprt)

1. a. Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
b. A particular form of this activity.

2. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.

3. An active pastime; recreation.

4. a. Mockery; jest: He made sport of his own looks.
b. An object of mockery, jest, or play: treated our interests as sport.
c. A joking mood or attitude: She made the remark in sport.

5. a. One known for the manner of one's acceptance of rules, especially of a game, or of a difficult situation: a poor sport.
b. Informal. One who accepts rules or difficult situations well.
c. Informal. A pleasant companion: was a real sport during the trip.

6. Informal.
a. A person who lives a jolly, extravagant life.
b. A gambler at sporting events.

7. Biology. An organism that shows a marked change from the normal type or parent stock, typically as a result of mutation.

8. Maine. See summercater. See Regional Note at summercater.

9. Obsolete. Amorous dalliance; lovemaking.

Giving the wide range of meanings, then yes diving is a sport. Number three is probably closest, but number one also applies, especially if you read some of the discussions on this board. :D

And even number nine says that Lawman's right. :wink:


It is not a sport. You play sports.

It's better.

It's an adventure every time you go down.

No one ever said that about a hockey, football, soccer, or baseball game.

Tiger doesn't say "Well, I had an adventure on the 18th today."

We are not just sportspersons. They play with balls.

We are ADVENTURERS! We require a life support system! We seek out a world that some people who play sports are afraid of!

(and adventurers can kick any sportspersons butt!:D)
PhotoTJ once bubbled...

It's an adventure every time you go down.

Okeydokey. No argument there, Skippy.

Tiger doesn't say "Well, I had an adventure on the 18th today."

Golfers say that all the time.

We are not just sportspersons. They play with balls.

Well, hockey players and baseball players are noted for that little predilection, but it's those itchy cups. Honest.

We are ADVENTURERS! We require a life support system! We seek out a world that some people who play sports are afraid of!

(and adventurers can kick any sportspersons butt!:D)

You forgot to mention we pee in our wetsuits.

My hubby and I have always said "It's not a sport if it can't kill you!" .... but then we tend towards adventure sports (rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, scubadiving)! Regular "sports" like golf seem like past-times by comparison. Although if golfers continue to be killed on a regular basis by lightening & trees falling on them we might have to change its classification!!
I like the term "adventure sport" for diving. It captures the physical aspect, and ignores the competition.

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