Scuba board selling out!

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Turning into facebook and myspace type ads WTF??? I'd rather pay for membership then be subjected to the BS ads not related to the diving industry. Really is that what it has come to? Stop trying to be like facebook, this is Scubaboard.
Unfortunately a requirement to maintain a free service. I paid for membership which technically should have reduced the ads but maybe the site update left that capability turned off. I use a browser ad blocker to reduce the number of ads.
Go do a peripheral BS awareness avoidance specialty
Unfortunately a requirement to maintain a free service. I paid for membership which technically should have reduced the ads but maybe the site update left that capability turned off. I use a browser ad blocker to reduce the number of ads.
That shouldn't have happened. They're turned off now.

Should you ever wish to see them again there's an option to re-enable them at the bottom of your General Settings link - accessed via UserCP.
I'd rather pay for membership then be subjected to the BS ads not related to the diving industry.

Ok, you can do that. It's easy.

If you dislike it so much, you should protect your health and go away. Don't waste your time or your blood pressure on SB. It is obviously very bad for your health. 9 out of 10 dentists agree :wink:
Chill out, fellow Scubaboarder. Here is this fabulous vehicle to interact with other divers, etc and you complain? Perhaps you should attempt to start your own site. Someone has to pay the bills-sites like this are expensive to maintain. Do you think the government funds it? Just enjoy the site, and get over yourself.
TapATalk = no ads on any forum (unless they take the form of posts)
Its the ads by google... The ones that determine what ads best suit the user based on browsing history. I think its BS and a invasion of privacy. So your gonna give me ads based on what sites ive been too. Hey atleast its rated G... I get the diving related Ad's and I understand the need for funding, thats why I said charge a fee. I am more then willing to pay, though Im still awaiting a response from the help forum sent to who ever is running this site. Going on a week with no response, should I really become a paid member if they cant even respond with a simple answer like yes or no... I think not.

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