I went on my first two dives today for my OW class. We had suited up to go and everything seemed fine. Two people ahead of my buddy and me got into the water fine. Just as my buddy and I was stepping in, a huge wave just sucked us in. He managed to get back on his feet, but I kept tumbling in the waves. I'm tall and not very strong, and certainly not totally comfortable with all my gear. (This was my first time ever being in the ocean). I couldn't get back up, my instructor and his experienced diving friend kept telling me to crawl. Everything was just so heavy and the beach was uphill, everytime I picked myself up to crawl I would be sucked back in. I wasn't panicing yet, until the instructor's friend kept screaming at me to get back up. She was scaring me and I felt so disoriented and out of energy. I had the reg in my mouth and I don't remember exactly but it was either pushed out by the waves or when the instructor grabbed me. I choked down a bunch of water and some sand. It got really scary and I was trying to pull myself, but I was so worn out and the reg was out. I could still breathe because my face was out. The hysterical friend put my reg back in my mouth, but she just would not stop screaming. EVENTUALLY I heard the instructor saying they should take my weight belt off. They dragged me up a bit and I finally crawled back up. The instructor decided we needed to go to a different beach and I did my two dives fine. But, it was a freaky experience and I don't know how I did two dives afterwards, because thinking back it's traumatic. I can feel the waves and imagine the swooshing sounds and the muffled screams of panic a few feet away. I think the response was a little slow and things could have been done more efficiently to help me. I wrote this, wondering if what was done was right and if it was the only thing that could have been done and just what should I do if that ever happens again?