Not to push an off-topic issue that was discussed earlier, but my PADI Nitrox class indicated that a ppo2 of 1.4 was the max for PLANNING and ppo2 of 1.6 was for CONTINGENCY purposes only. I look at this the same way I would the "contingency" of having 500 psi in my tank when I get back on the boat. Theoretically (and nearly ALL Nitrox diving science is a theroetical exercise), I could probably plan to dive at a ppo2 of 1.6 for some reasonable period of time on a dive (say a trip through Devil's Throat for example). Similarly, I could plan my dives to return with only 100psi in my tank instead of 500psi. However, if something goes wrong on either dive...I have no room for error. If my buddy drops to 150 out the end of Devil's Throat due to some problem...or I am caught in a downcurrent on the wall as I exit the throat, I may very well wind up convulsing before I have the opportunity to overcome the situation and regain control.
You can feel free to plan dives to ppo2's of 1.6 Charlie, but quoting all the books, tables, and exposure rates in the world won't overcome that fact that you are planning dives with no contingency for errors. Suggesting that others could or should follow such a practice is fairly irresponsible in my eyes.
This thread is about a diver who along with her buddy went into a situation that they were not equipped to handle safely. They managed to work their way out of it (Mostly through her calm and intelligent actions under pressure), but it doesn't mean that because they survived it that they should go do it again. I would say that planning a nitrox dive to a ppo2 of 1.6 without a redundant non nitrox air source to bail you out is placing yourself in a situation where you are similarly unequipped to deal with an emergency or unplanned excursion to greater depths.
Maybe I am just cautious by nature, but there is nothing I will get out of the extra couple of minutes bottom time at a given depth that will ever be worth enough for me to intentionally put myself at risk of an underwater convulsion by intentionally diving to a ppo2 of 1.6. I always plan my current dives and anticipate my next one...and I always value the next one too much to take a risk on the current one.