Well, we had a good couple of dives today. Penopolypants (pronounced to rhyme with Monopoly pants) and her friend Tiffany joined us, and Double Dip and WV Diver and a friend of Double Dip's with his girlfriend. My husband, Peter Guy, and I dove with our friend Roxanne. The skies were grey and it was raining a bit (more than a bit as we came up from the first dive) but where is it better to be in the rain than under water?
Viz wasn't bad, and the current, despite predictions and reports, was virtually nonexistent. We saw the usual suspects, lots of them. WV Diver really enjoyed the profusion of sea life. He said 90% of what he saw was entirely new to him. He's still hoping for an octopus, even though he saw ling cod as big as he was.
Our friend Roxanne had to abort her first dive because she saw somebody breaking into her truck. I have never seen anybody do a backwards butterfly at Olympic speed in a drysuit before . . . She lost nothing, and it turned out she had forgotten to lock the truck, but she missed the first dive. Since it had been over six months since her last one, this was tragic. If you can believe it, she's had trouble finding people to dive with. Obviously, she was not hooked into Scubaboard . . . this has been remedied
We had a great surface interval for warming up and discussing the dive gear we were all lusting after. I guess it's no surprise that HID lights led the way.
Thank you, Double Dip, for organizing this!