SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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What is still avaible for diving?
What is still avaible for diving?
I've updated the files and will be happy to send them to you too (provided you'll send me an email address). :)
Sold out most of the trip, 20 divers max, hope that is not crowded, but I guess we will all be in very good company!

I chose to dive with Brent on Sat, but did the rest of my dives on that boat cause it will be great meeting/diving with so many SB folks!

Wow, this is going to be some fun!

There are still LOTS of openings on most of the other boats! But things do appear to be picking up as the dates grow nearer.
Brenda hooked me up to share one of the 2/2 rooms. But I still have to chose the dives I want to do. I'm wondering how many (if any) will do any beach diving? I'll probably have to limit myself to 2 (maybe 3) boat trips. The rates are great but I'm on a very tight budget. $urely there are other$ in the $ame boat a$ I?
El Orans:
I've updated the files and will be happy to send them to you too (provided you'll send me an email address). :)
PM on it's way.......
Brenda hooked me up to share one of the 2/2 rooms. But I still have to chose the dives I want to do. I'm wondering how many (if any) will do any beach diving? I'll probably have to limit myself to 2 (maybe 3) boat trips. The rates are great but I'm on a very tight budget. $urely there are other$ in the $ame boat a$ I?
AFAIK, there's only boat diving during the "Invading the Keys"-weekend.
OK, everybody should have the updated documents in their mailbox by now...
El Orans:
Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken, himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.

This is one song that really needs to be listened to sung in it's original German form to be fully appreciated. A personal favorite.

Joy of beautiful sparks of the Gods, daughter of Elysium,
we enter drunk from fire celestrial one , your sanctuary!
Your enchantment ties again what fashion strongly divined;
all humans become brothers, where your soft wing lingers


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