SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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And just a few party pics. Haven't had a chance to go through them all, these just jumped out.

I don't know what's going on here:


An example of why it's good to be Captain Gary:


Ransom note:


The guy who won enough prizes in the raffle to open his own dive shop:

PalauDiver: Great pics, Joe. I was especially interested in the ransom note.


I want to make sure that MissDirected and Moonie get reunited. Thus I am putting out an APB on the missing gnome. For those of you who have not met Moonie this is a shot of MissDirected and the gnome before the abduction.


And this is MissDirected kissing Moonie goodbye.


I await news of Moonie’s safe return.


They TOOK mah babey !!!
I left me little lad Loonie (not to be confused with aforementioned Moonie)
straight out of his seat as he was relaxin' after a tasty margarita,
strung him up on the Conch Republic flagpole some 30 ft up in the air,
then all I got was the ransom note above !!!

Heartless Pirate Scurvy they be!

More details to follow...
Looks like everyone had a BLAST! - - I should'ah planned better and made this trip!

Someone lay out the Dates for NEXT years Keys Trip so I can TuRN in my Vacation PPW Now! ---

Hmmm where to Invade next..... I am thinking Egypt is a good spot... at least it was good for Cesar, and what is good for Cesar is good for Rome.... or at least hopefully ME.
Wow what a great weekend … Scubaboard did a fantastic job with the “Invade the Keys” it was a huge success!! … I must say I love the Keys and Conch Republic came thru again with friendly crews and good dives … Thanks Brenda for everything. Oh and the weather cleared for just enough time to let us all play the whole weekend. That was my request … he he.I did my first advanced dive this weekend without an instructor it is official call me advanced divergirl .
The Eagle is the most beautiful wreck … full of life with many exciting places to explore. I was rewarded with unlimited vis and little current. 23 min bottom time … I know I am working on that … but 110 max depth. Now this was a fun boat full of crazy divers and most where from my area I enjoyed meeting each and every one of you guys and gals and hope to see you down under again soon. We followed up with a great reef But the name seems to have left me at this moment .. Drakes reef or something like that. But full of color, eels, nurse sharks and a strange little fish called Moonie was seen by several divers.
Last night …. The party was soooo much fun … Pirates and Wenches invaded Conch Republic and started cooking and drinking and scavenging the whole marina area … soon they where giving away their bounty (raffle tickets) Margarita man was on the prowl and the Moonie was see at the top of the flag pole and we had captains on ice and omg I guess you would have had to be there … I was. The food was amazing and the divers where fun.
Today … Conch wall as all of you know this is a dive that can’t be beat for all divers … the top of the reef offers as much as the wall itself. I did an 80ft dive and had a lot of fun with Irish playing with his camera … You could great shots all day long there so it was a fun dive. The boat was full of familiar faces and we all had a great time. Followed by horseshoe reef …. Oh what a great day. My gear is soaking my muscles are aching and I am smiling, Thinking hmmmm when can we do this again?
Kim P
What happened to Moonie?? Unknown at this moment. He he
dirty rotten Moonie kidnappers I say. :D
Orlando Eric:
PSS - If Mania is looking for her passport I stole it and have it here. ;}
OK, so that's where my passport is...I really couldn't find it....So what do I have to do to get it back?

it was really a great weekend and it was incredible that I could meet so many of you.
Thanks to everybody - Jenny, Pete, Conch Divers, Blue Water Divers, my diving buddies (Colin your speedo is awasome) and all others that made this weekend so great!!!
I already miss all of you
Loading the car now, see ya'll in a couple of hours!!!!

Ya wanna come over to my place and unload my car and rinse out this skanky, smelly, slimy pile of dive gear? Yup, that's always my favorite part of a fantastic weekend; sorting everything out, cleaning it up and putting it away.
We followed up with a great reef But the name seems to have left me at this moment .. Drakes reef or something like that. But full of color, eels, nurse sharks ......................

Probably Davis Reef. Was it about 27 feet deep with Budda near some Brain Coral?
PalauDiver: Great pics, Joe. I was especially interested in the ransom note.


I want to make sure that MissDirected and Moonie get reunited. Thus I am putting out an APB on the missing gnome. For those of you who have not met Moonie this is a shot of MissDirected and the gnome before the abduction.


And this is MissDirected kissing Moonie goodbye.


I await news of Moonie’s safe return.



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