I used the wrong word!
Nothing so serious as all that! You're restricted to fresh water lakes and quarries until your initiation can be complete. However if a super duper deal to a Caribbean dive destination to clear salt water should happen to materialize, you may get special compensation to go...after all we aren't cruel!
The whole Rite of Initiation may be waived by a quorum of 5 longstanding TSDT members and the purchase all beer for the PK weekend!
Nothing so serious as all that! You're restricted to fresh water lakes and quarries until your initiation can be complete. However if a super duper deal to a Caribbean dive destination to clear salt water should happen to materialize, you may get special compensation to go...after all we aren't cruel!
The whole Rite of Initiation may be waived by a quorum of 5 longstanding TSDT members and the purchase all beer for the PK weekend!