SAFE STOLEN OFF WALL IN BONAIRE / Important trip report

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First I am in no way trying to bash bonaire I love bonaire and have been there 7 times and love the island but my eyes were open this last trip and want to warn others contrary to people trying to cover up or want to underplay the crime situation it is indeed getting worse. I learned from personal experience.
I know on another thread a certian owner is trying to downplay like it is no big deal but it is big deal and you need to go with eyes wide open.
I have read crime threads about bonaire and went with no illusions and did everything possible to protect valuables and still became a victim of crime.
To verify my story I posted on Bonaire Talk website under trip reports and sent police report and the mods verified my story.
Here is what happen I stayed at a place that I checked out thourghly and has never had a incident at thier place. They have a 15 ft wall surrounding their property and have security guard and still got robbed.
We went to dinner had passports, ipod, cell phones, ds gaming system and cash and credit cards all locked up in safe that was drilled in wall. Had safe key. Hid the laptop in suitcase underclothes. Had starting packing and had regulator and 2 dive computers in carry on backpack in closet. The friends I was staying with also had laptop but had left it on table with our cameras. But doors were locked, windows were closed and curtians were closed. We made sure everything was secure. We were gone to dinner and got home 11:30 to find utter chaos.
The perps used a ladder from a construction site on other side of the wall and climbed over wall and climbed on window unit and busted open the sliding glass window in bathroom and had at least a 6ft drop into the shower stall.
They not only ransacked the whole place turned beds over, dumped suitcases, took all electronic items but left power cords. Had the nerve to take my backpack to stash stuff in. Now for the final insult they drilled safe out of the wall and took the whole wall safe.
We called the police had to go to police dept because they had 9 robberys that night from belnam all the way to airport. So had to go there and file report. I will say this the detectives were very professional and were alarmed by the safe incident because that has never happen before.
It was a nightmare but the consulate helped us with passport issues and helped us with not paying departure tax.
On bonaire talk under trip reports and everything else during july, august the crime reports have been up during this time period.
I learned some things from this incident first I am thankful it is only stuff and at least they did not try robbery while I was sleeping which happen according to others on bonaire talk.
But do make copys of passport because that was a nightmare, Take portable alarm systems to scare perps off. If you are traveling in a group have someone stay behind to watch over rooms. Looking back If you think about we all dive all day. Most resturants don't serve dinner till 7 and take min 2 hrs to make it back to room that gives aot of time for thieves to strke. In the six units in the complex we were staying at only ours got robbed because it was on the end and where they came in at was hidden from open view. Everyone was gone to dinner so no one heard them ransaking and drilling safe off wall.
One suggestions on bonaire talk which is a good suggestion is laptops and cameras that wont fit in safe to lock up in the dive closet because that is usually out in front in unit.
I am not doing this to start controversey I am trying to educate to protect yourself. My new motto is don't take it if you don't mind losing it.
Also I have had residents email me and tell me that when they leave the island on vacation that they have to get a housesitter or they wont go because they know they won't have anything when they come back.
Wow this is upsetting
Ditto Wow! Sorry to hear about your experience but thankfully the authorities tried to help you where they could. I, too, love Bonaire and go there frequently. I will continue to go but with a heightened sense of awareness. Thanks for sharing your horrible experience.
sorry to hear of your loss..

time to vote with your feet.. and that goes for everyone.. refuse to visit Bonair until they improve security... it's not worth it.
The place ScubaBanker stayed HAD security and this still happened. I've never been to Bonaire but do hope to visit there in the future. I'm sure incidents like this are going to influence people to stay away. Yes, the loss of revenue may hurt business owners... but will it solve the underlying social problems that result in these crimes?
thank you Drbill I am truly not trying to hurt the economy on the island what I am trying to do is make people wake up on and off the island something needs to be done about the crime situation not just for the tourist sake but also for the people who live on the island.
I truly believe that what happens to you happens for a reason. I feel that it happen to me because in my own small little way if I can make enough of an impact to help the crime situation change on Bonaire not only for the tourist but for the locals then I say then I guess a loss of a few material things is no big deal.
I have written the head of tourism and sent links to show how crime in Bonaire is affecting their economy and how they need to show the government these internet post. I think the owners of rental resorts and propertys should take a stance and do something and start protecting their guest by not only having security but getting insurance that will cover their guest items if the rooms are broken into.
I am also contacting the airlines and say if they do not talk to the government about the crime situation they are going to lose revenue because people are going to stop flying to Bonaire.
I know some people will say this seems obsessive but it only takes one person to make a difference. Please lets save this island from a reputation of don't go there. If you truly love Bonaire write to the tourism board with an email and tell them that they need to do something about the crime on Bonaire.
I don"t know. I have looked on ebay for my laptop and other things and have not seen it on there yet. The thing that worries me the most is the passports. One thing that I think is unfair is when your passport gets stolen through no fault of your own and you have a police report you still have to pay to get a new one. In fl if your license is stolen and you have a police report they will replace it for no charge.
Man, I am so soryy for the robbery. They hit us on Curacao in March and wiped us out. Alot of times after a big drug bust is when the robberies are most active. Does your home owners/renters insurance cover your loss?? I set ours up to cover us out of the country. And while it didn't cover everything, it sure helped...I think they need to find out where the stuff to when they sell it...

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