Rules for the Scuba board Fitness Challenge

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...could NOT get out of bed at 5:05 and get to the gym.

Did a LOT better this morning. Was up with the alarm at 5:05 and into the gym at 5:30. Got on the stepper for 35 minutes and did (according to that machine) 4.5 miles. Then over to the stationary bike for another 25 minutes and another 6.1 miles. So I have my 10+ miles in for the day. Added a little protein to my breakfast (a slice of smoked turkey breast on a bit of french bread) to help stave off the 'hungry's' until lunchtime.

Have a good day all.

Good for you Tom :dazzler1: I am so glad you were doing your part for us early birds.

I did put my pedometer on to keep up with how much I walked at work today and low and behold I did 4.3 miles and I even took the stairs up, which is really a good thing.

I have only 6 points left on WW flex points for the rest of the day so, I need to chose them well. I need to get busy with my water. Still have 3 more 16oz bottles to drink. Glug, glug.
I visited the BR more last night than ever, I must have gotten up 3 times through the night.

I will be checking in later. Keep up the good work all!
Since I just learned of this thread today, I don't have much to report, other than for some odd reason, my food intake of yesterday and today has been about 1/2 of what it is normally.

As far as exercise is concerned, may I suggest one form of exercise that most people will love - dancing. I am a salsa instructor, and although have not been active for a little over 1 yr., I can vouch for the exceptional physical effects dancing has. When I was actively teaching, I would dance an average of 25 hrs per week. I could eat BK all week long and still lose weight. Then, my wife and I had a baby and there went dancing. Hopefully we will pick it up again soon.

Also, instead of only 3 meals per day, step it up to 6 smaller meals. The more you eat (often wise), the more your metabolism stays active and the more you weight you lose. Just my .02. BTW, I will weigh in on Tuesdays.

First of all, I think this is awesome... I don't know why, but I do...

Ok, now for my pity party.... Time... excersize is one of the best ways for me to lose weight, partly because it encourages me to eat less and more healthy (besides the obvious benefits). And I even love to do it...

But I CAN NOT find the time... I know that everyone struggles with this...but...I really don't know... the obvious answer would be to re-organize my life, but much easier said than done.

Right now I am taking 38 credits in school (yes, that is what you think it is... full time is 12 credits)... I work part-time... have two kids (3 +4), one with a disability which means many doctors apts, therapy, meetings blah blah blah... husband is a farrier (NEVER around this time of year) currently in NE for a family emergency and just got a call yesterday saying that as soon as he gets home he is being activated (AF Reserves) for this current mess. I know that I am in way over my head and excersize would solve a variety of problems.. but how...

Hope this isn't too off topic and dont' expect any easy answers. Just wanted to vent. Some how I will have a good report to post on my diet/exercise this week!!!
OK, I'm doing a bit better food-wise today than yesterday... a bagel for breakfast, chicken soup for lunch, and <cough> nachos with cheese and salsa for dinner. Hey, the salsa is nonfat, right?

I'm also one that has HUGE problems cutting out the soda -- I do drink diet soda, but as of today I'm alternating -- for every glass of soda I drink, I have a glass of water. Hopefully that'll let me ease into more-water-than-soda soon.

Still no exercise, but as of today I finally feel relatively healthy again -- so tomorrow morning it's off to the gym!

38 credits? Yikes! 9 is a full load for me, and with working almost full-time I'm feeling crazy. I can't imagine doing that on top of everything else you have on your plate!

The semester is almost over, right? So you'll have that to look forward to... If you *need* to be doing that exercise right now, can you maybe do your reading for class while you're on a stationary bike or something?

I guess I don't have very many words of wisdom; just wanted to give you a "hang in there!"...

Good luck Amy. I thought I was busy and didn't have time till I read your post! I am a single mom, working as many hours as I can, commute 30-50 minutes to work one way, help with my daughters softball team coaching, so the only time I have is early morning. Fortunately I have a dog who is the best walking buddy anybody can have.
You can do it, Amy, its just getting creative that's all. And I know you are already creative being able to wear all those hats!
Jenny & Michelle,

Thanks for the encouragement. (BTW, the quarter just started last week. very sad)

Thought I'd share a favorite recipe. I'm not a huge fan of green beans but can eat these by the quart.

Green beans (fresh or frozen, cut any way)
saute in olive oil, alot of fresh garlic and soy sauce.

You might have to make adjustments for your own taste... I just keep adding until it tastes great.
I could not wait for my regular WI, so I went on in to WW this evening. Now I know how much I need to get off! EEk! I have 22lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. Considering that I have not been to a WW meeting since last July though, I have only gained 4 1/2 pounds since then. Not bad, but, I have been doing things half way on my own since then.

Time to get serious! The challenge has taken new meaning for me tonight.

I did stay within my 22 alotted points for today and earned 2 Activity points for my miles walked at work and using the stairs.

Now I still have to finish off some more water. See you later!
Ok ... the weigh in = 206#.

Walked 1 mile on the treadmill
Breakfast - bowl of honey shreddies, 2% milk, juice
Lunch - sandwich (mustard, meat, whole grain bread) banana & melon
Supper - 1 pork chop, heap of corn, banana & juice

Snack - TBA (probably smartpop popcorn)
A really easy, really quick dinner idea (andwhat I hadfor the last 2 days):

you need:

lean steak or steak tips
red bell pepper
green bell pepper
purple onions
grape tomatoes

How to:

Fire up the grill and get a good set of coals going. Slice the steak into small (2" square) chuncks, season with fresh ground pepper. Slice the peppers and onions into pieces. Using bamboo skewers soaked in water or metal shish kabob skewers, layer meat, peppers, onion and tomato on the skewers. Pop them on the grill and grill to your taste.

Serve with rice pilaf, coucous, or the like.

As a variation, you can wrap little foil packets of the meat, peppers and onions and either cook them on the grill or in the oven.

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