Rosie O'Donnell the Shark murderer. And Mark the Shark charters

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Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a person.

Sensationalising shark killing, pro or con, tends to turn off those who may be uninformed.

In this day and age targeting apex predators is sheer hubris, and is an affirmation of one's perceived importance.

But in order to stop it, one must educate, not sensationalize.....
Yes it is ILLEGAL to kill species of Sharks starting Jan 1 2012 FWC News: Tiger shark, hammerhead protections start Jan. 1

This brings up another question. If murder was legal would you do it? and If yes, then you support the killing of these sharks and the depletion of the scarce ocean resources we have available.

Yes the website is atrocious. Most people would rather turn a cheek and run from an issue than THINK about something and strive for change. It is a sick sad world we live in. I understand hunters will always hunt. But the glorification of killing apex predators that are NEEDED for ocean sustainability is horrible.

It's easy to say "keep on killing Mark" and make yourself feel better for 2 seconds, but when your grandchildren or great grandchildren dont have this beautiful planet to enjoy. You can only blame yourself.

Naw, we went down this road already, you mis-stated it in post #18 and you're still doing it. We can take it line by line and point by point so you can stop spreading false information about Mark is doing anything illegal and stick to the facts, which are you're personally outraged at him,. but lets try to keep it real.

Media contact: Amanda Nalley, 850-410-4943The recreational and commercial harvest of tiger sharks and smooth, scalloped and great hammerhead sharks will be prohibited in Florida state waters beginning Jan. 1.

The new measures also prohibit the possession, sale and exchange of tiger sharks and great, scalloped and smooth hammerhead sharks harvested from state waters.

These sharks can still be caught and released in state waters and can be taken in adjacent federal waters. Prohibited species that die while on the line after being caught in state waters should be returned to the water immediately.
The FWC is also working on an educational campaign highlighting fishing and handling techniques that increase the survival rate of sharks that are caught and released while ensuring the safety of the anglers targeting them. These techniques include:

Shark fishing has been strictly regulated in Florida since 1992, with a one-shark-per-person, two-sharks-per-vessel daily bag limit for all recreational and commercial harvesters and a ban on shark finning. Roughly two-dozen overfished, vulnerable or rare shark species are catch-and-release only in Florida water

So a couple of points

#1 up till Jan1 2012, it looks like Mark was able to harvest them within FLORIDA STATE WATERS.

So is that picture before or after Jan 1 2012, is it a shark caught in Florida State waters?

#2 Mark can still kill em in Federal Waters after 2012.

#3 Mark can still catch and release in both STATE AND FEDERAL WATERS after 2012.

#4 You need to actually read the sources you use to not make your point.

See where you problem is?

Again, if he's doing something illegal go after him and post away about how he's doing this illegally. If not, it's just about you don't like somebody doing something that is legal and that's your deal.

More power to Mark the Shark, have fun, catch some sharks, make some money, treat customers to some nice legal fishing for the day. :beerchug:

And... yes, thank God there are people like Ted Nuget!!!! A little dose of reality to even out the crazy people who some how can justify it's okay to burn somebodies house down to save a 4 leaf clover.

Rock on TED! Nice Bear!
And ive posted here before just not on this account.

Why the need for a second false identity for this topic?
Call it poetic license. How often do we put up provocative titles to grab attention. The crime may not have been against a human, but it was premeditated.
Do you know how easy it is to kill a bear? Even with a bow and arrow? It's not that much to be proud of. When an animal is scarce enough to be seldom seen in the wild, no one should kill it. I've never seen a great hammerhead while diving... Ive only seen a couple of bears and that was only when deep in the woods.. I've hunted before and I spearfish, so I'm not against game animals, but killing a big animal to impress yourself or others is the recreation of imbeciles.
Do you know how easy it is to kill a bear? Even with a bow and arrow? It's not that much to be proud of.

What's it got to do with ease? I've never understood how people want hunting to be about a fair fight or something. It's not about having to kill a bear by sneaking into it's lair naked, armed with a pocket knife and taking it on. You shoot it with a big bore gun so it dies before it can maul you.

By-the-way, there are a lot of bears in the zoo if you want to see one. I'd rather not run into them in the woods. It's a bit safer that way.

When an animal is scarce enough to be seldom seen in the wild, no one should kill it. I've never seen a great hammerhead while diving... Ive only seen a couple of bears and that was only when deep in the woods.. I've hunted before and I spearfish, so I'm not against game animals, but killing a big animal to impress yourself or others is the recreation of imbeciles.

Talk to your states dept of wildlife and let them know that you think you should be in charge of figuring out how many of each animal should be allowed to be harvested. Right now we have people who already do what you want to do, but apparently you're not happy with the job they are doing.

Last year in Colorado over 90 bears were taken by hunters, all legally and determined by the dept of wildlife. Another 9 were killed by police or others for bad behavior and another 40 had to be relocated cause they were breaking into houses and such.
Wow who does not like Ted? What a :fruitcake:.
Bears may be plentiful in Colorado, so maybe it's ok to hunt them there, I don't know about that. Bears aren't that plentiful in south Georgia, but people still hunt them. The comment about youd rather bears not be in the woods is crazy to me. Bears live in the woods, thats where they are supposed to be. When I go in the woods I carry a large bore pistol just in case I need it, but I never have. Great hammerheads aren't plentiful in Florida, and the law finally realized it and made it illegal to kill them. A reasonable person would have recognized that the species was at risk long before the law caught on.
I never suggested it was a crime. It is, well, I don't know..wrong? Kind of like my neighbor killing tweety birds cause they woke him in the morning. But beyond the tweety birds, the animals she and the POS guide are slaying are important to the health of our oceans.

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